I notice in the new "Imitate Their Faith" book that the Watchtower writer has taken pedantically to referring to Abraham as Abram throughout. Does this now aply to all new publications that refer to Abraham? Is there any particular reason for the change? It reminds me of the passage in Nineteen Eighty Four that says there are constant revisions in the terminology Big Brother uses not for any compelling or practical reason, but simply to keep the faithful on their toes, and to catch out anyone who doesn't keep up with the latest terminoligcal standards.
Abram - change for change's sake?
by slimboyfat 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I would have thought that this is just because the Chapter describes events that happened before Abraham had his name changed?
OTOH they do revise their terminology a lot... I never really got that.
Rob Crompton
I would guess that the article in question refers only to episodes within the story of Abram/Abraham between the leaving of Ur and the birth of Ishael. It is early in the story of the institution of the ritual of circumcision (Genesis 17) that his name is changed to Abraham. So, are all the biblical references to Genesis chapter 16 or earlier? If so, the use of Abram is correct. But anything with a reference later than Genesis 17:5 needs the form Abraham. When writing about the character himself rather than simply recounting the story, however, it is more usual to refer to him as Abraham.
Interestingly, however, Jacob who also has a name change (he becomes Israel from the time of his encounter with the mysterious person at the Jabbok ford) but he continues to be referred to as Jacob and only rarely as Israel.
Having known a member of the Writing Committee, I would say, that although this writer may be careful to be technically correct in his usage, he is doing it to be a smart-arse.
Part of the motivation too may be to get JW's to concentrate on the minor, unimportant points, they may then"research" such matters and feel themselves to be a true Student of the Bible.
Keep them looking at the Trees and they will not see the Wood.
They will totally miss that Abram/Abraham is more than likely a totally fictional character.
Rob Crompton
"Having known a member of the Writing Committee, I would say, that although this writer may be careful to be technically correct in his usage, he is doing it to be a smart-arse."
Interesting you should say that, Phizzy. Years ago I also knew someone who went on to become a member of the writing committee when he was a special pioneer in Manchester UK. As I recall, I found him quite an engaging character, but a complete smart-arse! Wonder if we're talking about the same guy?
That was going to be my point, you never hear Jacob being referred to as Israel!
Calling Abraham by the name Abram is pedantic bunkum.
"Having known a member of the Writing Committee, I would say, that although this writer may be careful to be technically correct in his usage, he is doing it to be a smart-arse."
It also calls Sarah "Sarai" throughout. The whole story is about them leaving Ur so it's technically correct, although exceedingly pedantic.
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Maybe they wanted to reduce their ink expense by using Abram instead of Abraham.
LOL @ Billy, are things that bad in WT land ?
Rob Crompton, I sent you a P.M
Rob Crompton
Phizzy - you have a PM