I wanted to read this in college. Its length is daunting but madelines are.my favorite cookie.Has anyone here read it?
Proust, Remembrance of Things Past
by Band on the Run 4 Replies latest watchtower bible
Well, I've read some pretty dense books, but I could not get through this one.
breakfast of champions
Yikes! Have read bits and pieces, both in French and English; but no, never read through it.
Would like to someday. And Ulysses too.
breakfast of champions
And if you're not up to it, at least read 'Proust Was A Neuroscientist' by Lehrer. Excellent read.
I believe his madelines do get an honorable mention.
fresh prince of ohio
It's one, er. seven, of thousands of books I'd like to read. If things go well, I'll be able to get through another two to three hundred books before my biological functions cease. So how to narrow down...