"On the French Wikipedia, politician Ségolène Royal caused the most edit wars, followed by UFOs and Jehovah’s Witnesses" http://metro.co.uk/2013/07/18/hitler-george-w-bush-and-jesus-most-controversial-wikipedia-topics-3889208/
Jehovahs Witnesses mentioned in the Metro today
by The Quiet One 2 Replies latest jw friends
If you look at the original study the data is even more interesting. JW's are amongst the most "edit war" affected entries globally.
And I think the Jehovah’s Witnesses cause the most “edit wars” outside of and within their own organization. They have their own “edit wars” with their own stuff. (Not to mention their internal power struggles and constantly morphing identity – a true shape-shifter on steroids.) The JW editing staff is always busy busy.