Applying the Heritage Foundation Study of Immigration to jehova witness immigrants and non immigrant jeho witnesses–> CONCLUSION: an enormous drag on society.
This is a study apply the Heritage Foundations study on immigration to Jehova Witnesses who immigrate to the United states and applying these figures to a larger population of jehova witnesses and projecting their cost to society as a whole.
The justification for generalizing between a population of immigrants and a population of jehova witness immigrants is based on similar metrics in the populations. This is not typical for statistical analysis but it’s my website and i feel like violating some rules of methodology.
I’m not going to raise questions regarding the methodology because this is, in fact, a case study. In the case of MY mother in law the metrics are entirely accurate.
The American Public and American Taxpayer supports these JW immigrants in their hunt to obtain narcissistic supply and consume the benefits that society has to offer.
This is an application of the numbers presented by the Heritage foundation and it’s a projection of those figures on to the 1 million Jeho’ witnesses in the united states and a projection on to the 7 Million Jeho’s world wide and their drap on society. Using my mother in law as a specific case study.
THESIS: Jehova witnesses are a huge drag on society and the watchtower corporation benefits and encourgages it. This is a long term result of dehumanizing all forms of building community, socialization, and building bridges with fellow man though a relentless attack of the watchtower writing department.
NUMBER1 the heritage foundation study found that immigrants generally have less than a 10th grade education, DITO the mother in law.
NUMBER2 The heritage foundation found that the cost to society of these immigrants on a yearly basis generated 11,469 dollars in taxes and consumed 46,582 in government benefits per year. Net deficit to the US citizen is 35,113 dollars per year. SO each of those JEHO’s imigrants who obtained residency via a family member who was successful at catfishing is costing you 35 grand a year to the american public.
NUMBER 3 The Heritage Foundation study found that over a 50 year period the cost of 11 Million immigrants would be 6.3 trillion which is rougly 37.7 percent of the ENTIRE NATIONAL DEBT of 16.7 TRILLION.
NUMBER 4 “Heritage found that “The low wage level of immigrant work¬ers is a direct result of their low education levels.” And “in the U.S. population as a whole, households headed by persons without a high school degree, on average, received $46,582 in government benefits while paying only $11,469 in taxes. This generated an average fiscal def¬icit (benefits received minus taxes paid) of $35,113″ per year. Heritage found that “lawful immigrant households receive significantly more welfare, on average, than U.S.- born households.” 1
ANALYSIS using the same metrics and projecting these on to the population of jehova witnesses on a whole.
1 million Jehova Witnesses migrating to the US would cost the Taxpayer 35,113 dollars per jehova witness or over ½ trillion dollars (1/2 Million Million) or $ 545,454,545,454.00. This equates to 3 percent of the ENTIRE NATIONAL DEBT of 16 TRILLION as per national debt clock.
7 million Jehova Witnesses migrating to the US would cost the Taxpayer 35,113 dollars per jehovah witness or 3.81 TRILLION dollars or 22.7 of the ENTIRE NATIONAL DEBT.
DISCUSSION: According to The American Thinker. Com ““ It’s really not rocket science for a rocket scientist to get a green card. “ 1
If a jehova witness is able to Catfish their way in to the united states and bring their jehova witness family along for the ride it is a huge drag on society. If every jehova witness in the world with a 10th grade education was able to catfish their way in to the united states and bring along 7 million family members for the ride it would cost 3.8 trillion dollars to the American public over a 50 year period which is roughly 22.7 percent of the ENTIRE NATIONAL DEBT. Yet the WATCHTOWER IS THE LARGEST LAND OWNER IN BROOKLYN NEW YORK other than the GOVERNMENT according to one study.
1. Heritage foundation immigration study:
2. American Thinker
2. City