I'm not sure what the Pope represents to the Catholics, if they consider him God, Gods channel,Vicor or what. So those of you who know, could it not be said that the Jw's have the same in their leaders? Is the 8 men of the GB now the 8 Popes of the JW's or as a collective body 1 Pope of the JW's or is there a difference between what the Pope is to catholics and what these 8 men think they now are?
The Pope and the 8 members of the faithful and discreet slave.
by Crazyguy 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The WTS hierarchy is stunningly similar to that of the Roman Catholics - only the terminology is different.
Popes = GB
DOs = cardinals
COs = bishops
Elders = priests
Ministerial servants = deacons
Jesus Christ = not necesssary.
The GB's got the Mediator thing covered, too.
I like the pope better than all of the others.
The GB have much more authority over individual JWs than the Pope does individual catholics.
I believe the analogy which sir82 has drawn between the structure of the Roman Catholic Church’s hierarchy and that of the WTS is not entirely correct. Cardinals,. Archbishops and bishops exercise far more power and authority in the RCC than district and circuit overseers do in the WTS. The structures are alike only in their hierarchical nature and not at all in the power of the respective offices.
That being said, WTS officers do have some freedom of action. They can have a say in local congregation and circuit matters. They also report their findings to the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Catholic clergy, on the other hand, have far greater authority over their flocks than WTS officers do. Where the comparison sir82 makes between the two organizations holds water is that of the Pope and the Governing Body. For all intents and purposes, the Governing Body is a collective papacy, exercising all the powers and privileges the Pope does. The Pope is considered “the Vicar of Christ” and has the last word on Church teaching and dogma. Through pastoral letters, encyclicals and other writings, he lays out what the Church teaches and the faithful must believe. When he speaks on matters of faith and morals, his word is both incontrovertible and infallible. That has been true since the First Vatican Council of 1870.
The WTS Governing Body now occupies the same position over its cult. Its declarations through the pages of The Watchtower and other printed organs are the last word for all Jehovah’s Witnesses. That word cannot be challenged. Any who do so are labeled as apostates and subsequently disfellowshipped. This position has been strengthened with the Governing Body’s declaration that it alone is the “faithful and discreet slave” charged with spiritually feeding the faithful by direct appointment of Christ himself.
The Catholic Church has endured for some 1,700 years. That is far longer than any of its political and religious rivals. I doubt the WTS, with its paltry 130 years of life, can hold a candle to the Church’s staying power. One reason is the quality of the leadership of the two religions. Even at its worst, the Church has always had men and women of keen intellect and deep education directing its affaairs. Comparing their training, learning and experience to that possessed by the WTS leadership is like comparing a battleship to a canoe. The only quality both vessels have in common is the ability to float, and it is the low quality of WTS leadership that will be among the factors that will eventually destroy both it and the cult it leads.
Narcissistic Supply
Faithful to the rockstar lifestyle. Discreet like the money changers that jesus threw out of the temple.
Quendi: I doubt the WTS, with its paltry 130 years of life, can hold a candle to the Church’s staying power. One reason is the quality of the leadership of the two religions. Even at its worst, the Church has always had men and women of keen intellect and deep education directing its affairs. Comparing their training, learning and experience to that possessed by the WTS leadership is like comparing a battleship to a canoe.
Love it, just love it!
Catholics have universities, the WTBTS has "Pioneer School."