I noticed Jeremiah 18:5-10's thread that he had served on a judicial committee concerning pedophiles. I just got permission from a friend of mine who works at ABC news to contact him with any of these experiences on pedophiles. Those who are willing to email him and be interviewed by him over the phone for now, could you please pm me and I will give you his email address. Again, this is only for those who either have served on jc or who were the victims on jc cases. I have been working with him for just over a year now. You will be kept annonymous. I've given my story to him over a year ago along with other stories from here. Please step up to the plate.
To All Elders, CO"s, DO's On This Site
by label licker 8 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
What about Governing Body members?
label licker
Forgot to add "only serious replys, please". When people don't take a victims call of help serious and only makes jokes about it then this matter is treated in the same way. Please help!
I don't know that COs and DOs on the site is any more realistic than a GB member. Would you turn them down?
I agree with slimboy. An active elder who accepts an interview request from ABC news delivered via apostste web site...? Clearly you were never in the cult.
label licker
I guess I should have writtne Ex elders Ex co's as well as Ex do's. Oops! And yes if you were to read my history you would see I was a born in then left and came back into this crap when in my forties along with my husband. We've only been in it now and are on our way out. Last week one of us got df'd and this week it's the other's turn. Lets get back to what I'm asking
Actually im an active elder and thus clicked on this thread since it was entittled as such.... It seemed rather relevant to the topic at hand to explain why i wouldnt accept such an offer :)
label licker
My fault for the way I wrote it and thank you, wiener! I started another thread for I would really like to help those who are hurting for life. I can't believe what we've been through and what is happening to us including what I had to endure growing up. There just doesn't seem to be any light at the end of our rainbow and now when one of the producers emailed me I felt that life has given me a purpose. I sure hope someone can help.
Take care
Weiner....? Wow. And thank you! I hope you find ypur new found purpose fullfilling :) be sure to dig two graves