So far as I know I'm the only one on YouTube who has this movie in one piece.
&feature=share&list=PLfbxB0kKayCT7OvEV38fSPAFjlPHBdq0wI don't know how to embed it sorry
by HowTheBibleWasInvented 2 Replies latest jw friends
So far as I know I'm the only one on YouTube who has this movie in one piece.
&feature=share&list=PLfbxB0kKayCT7OvEV38fSPAFjlPHBdq0wI don't know how to embed it sorry
I had a nonJW Swedish friend visiting last weekend. We know each other via JWs he grew up with in Sweden who eventually moved to the US and next door to me. He comes to visit them every few years and also me. I anti witness to him whenever and wherever I can. I asked if he saw Worlds Apart, and he said he had, and that it is well known in Scandinavia.