It's really sad that the JWs miss the gist of that scripture. I raised two daughters, before getting involved with the JWs. I even had them as a single Dad from the time they were 15 on. Their Mom was a non-practicing Catholic and I was a generic Protestant, raised in the AoG. Neither of us went to church or practiced any religion. We did, however, teach the girls kindness and selflessness. Jesus and angels were mentioned often, but no real deep study involving them. Their Mom and I didn't agree on the trinity, so neither of us pushed our view on them.
Both are grown, married and having families today.
After becoming a JW, I remarried and took on three step kids and a dub wife (Soon to be ex). None of these kids wished to learn anything I knew and their Mom simply keeps them going to meetings and in service, where the goal is to get someone to buy you something at the nearest Burgerville. All three love to quote Ephesians 6:4, as a manner to get their way. They totally neglect the first three verses. As I tried to instill Bible principals in them, all I received was condemantion from the elders, as the kids would complain that they didn't get to do it their way. My crime was to try to hold a Bible study and ask questions in the JW manner. I could not get their Mom to hold the study, but privately, she would study with them, cutting me totally out of the picture. Of course, she cut me out of anything with them and then complained to me about their conduct.
I asked elders for help and received none. But if the kids said anything against me, elders were banging on the door. So, I ended up going inactive and saying the hell with studying with them. After I DA'd, it got even worse, if that is possible.
So far, two have run away and returned, all three threaten suicide, when I am gone and they are not getting their way. One was arrested for assaulting her Mom, but no charges were filed and it was dropped. Of course, all the blame for it all falls on me, as I am the step parent and DA'd myself.
Comparatively speaking, at least in my case, raising kids away from the JWs produces much saner children as well as well adjusted ones. I should add that all four had mental illness issues before I met them and I overlooked them until after we were married, (Being horney does that, I guess).
Knowing what I know today, I would keep my door bolted and not let the dubs in. Live and learn.
If God's Spirit is filling a Kingdom Hall, how is it that Satan can manuever the ones within that Kingdom Hall at the same time?