Disturbing trend in WT magazines...

by TheApostleAK 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • TheApostleAK

    This may be obvious to some but has anybody noticed the lack of doctrinal based Watchtower study articles in WTs for the last 2 years?

    Lately we've been just getting either "pep talk" articles or articles that are only based on subjects.

    The only new light lately is mainly the Daniel and Isaiah books. And any new light in WT's is mainly just clarification (usually in the Q's from readers page).

    From AK

  • OlderTom

    They are a bit affraid with their new light, current light and the latest ligh. They have been proved wrong too many times and some of the dummies are waking up to their tricks.

    And you will know the truth and the REAL truth will set you free.


  • Hyghlandyr

    And you call this a disturbing trend? The less christianity in christian magazines the better.

  • Atreyu

    I've made the same observation. There's not much doctrinal substance to the articles these days. If they tuch doctrinal issues, only small justifications or corrections are made. But sometimes I wonder if such a small-justification-article is a preparation for a future major doctrinal change. One example is the "Question from readers" about the Great Crowd in w02-5/1. Are they about to revise the whole doctrine of heavenly and earthly classes? Is this because the Remnant (and thereby the Faithfull and Discreet Slave) is about to vanish? Or is it just tactical to stop some of the critics?

    Also see my post on this:

  • TheOldHippie

    I miss articles involving discussions on Greek words and terms and prophecies etc.... - nowadays it's just organizational history and development of doctrine.

  • Joseph Joachim
    Joseph Joachim

    This is the fate of all apocalyptic christian sects. Their "prophecies" are not fullfilled, then people with at least one active neuron leave, and what is left is a leadership that completely lacks creativity, intelligence and education. This is not new, it's been going on for 2000 years.

  • ozziepost

    My God, Hippie! Just give them a total miss, won't ya? !


    "If our hopes for peace are placed in the hands of imperfect people, they are bound to evaporate."

    - Ron Hutchcraft Surviving the Storms of Stress

  • metatron

    Ye Gods! I've been saying this for years!

    Pick up any WT bound volume from the 60's at random and
    examine the articles therein. It's all gotten dumbed
    down since then. They fill study articles with platitudes
    and filler because they don't know what to say.

    It doesn't matter if they write new books on Ezekiel
    or Revelation. They'll just be full of cut and paste


  • one

    True, since the "oracle" (freddy) got old and died. That was the one who could "razionlize anything" (spin?)

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Now that the passage of time has deprived their end-time calculations of any shred of plausibility, what message is left to them?

    They've got to be feeling uneasy about the organization's stagnation and the looming Centenary of the Birth of the Kingdom -- not that far down the road -- just 12 years from now. What will they do for an encore?

    My sense is that while the Gerontocracy is trying to affect an appearance of self-assurance on the surface, in reality it's ``sweating it out;'' i.e., hoping against hope that Armageddon will swoop in to rescue them, cavalry-like-- at the last possible moment.

    In the meantime, they persist in their outward show of bravado, sweating it out while struggling to hold things toegther with chewing gum and baling wire.

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