Crisis of Conscience, p. 117

by DanTheMan 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • DanTheMan

    A great quote:

    To paint a foreboding picture of potential unrestrained wrongdoing on the part of the brothers simply because we, as a Governing Body, removed some existing regulation, appealed to me as saying that we suspected our brothers of lacking true love of righteousness, of inwardly wanting to sin and being held in check only by organizational regulations.
    Well, unfortunately, many in the borg do only regulate their behavior according to what is allowed and is not allowed. They have not been trained to use their own discernment, to think for themselves. This was one of the things that disturbed me the most while I was in.

    In spite of all I've seen and read over the past few weeks, I'm still feeling the pull - pray for me y'all!

  • moman

    Beware the "Shawshank syndrome", thats the urge to return to what is familiar at any cost!

  • ozziepost

    G'day Dan,

    You sound like you need something positive to replace 'the troof'.

    Remember how you used to read the scripture to interested folk about "putting on the new personality"? Well, that's what would be good to do i.e. put something in place of your Watchtower beliefs.


    "If our hopes for peace are placed in the hands of imperfect people, they are bound to evaporate."

    - Ron Hutchcraft Surviving the Storms of Stress

  • patio34

    Hi Dan,
    I felt a void for quite a while and have recently started adding what i call "wisdom-philosophy-ethics" type books. Right now i'm reading Wisdom of the Ages by Wayne Dyer. It's very helpful and fills the void.

    All intelligent people are confrontational.--HBO's Winston Churchill

  • Hyghlandyr

    What do people really expect when a religion is based upon the bible, quran, torah or other similar books?

    The bible has all of these rules that were mostly irrelevant even to the time period, like stoning a woman for having sex, even if she was raped.

    So long as religions, continue to place their moral system in the bible, and so long as people rely on those religions, those same people will be enslaved. It's just that simple.

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