I do not charge for my Studies

by Doug Mason 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • Doug Mason
    Doug Mason

    As a visit to my site shows, I do not charge for my Studies, and I never shall.


    While conducting a search on the www, I came across a site that provides a wide range of material. Searching that site for terms such as "Watchtower" I was shocked and disappointed to see that they are charging a cost for some of my Studies.

    I assure everyone that I do not know who these people are, nor do I receive any money from them.

    the site is: http://theclassics.us/


  • OrphanCrow

    That is shocking, Doug.

    Are you not protected under copyright laws from someone else making money off your work?

    It is unbelievable what people will do to make money - steal from others and call it business. It is shameful

  • smiddy

    Get a good lawyer Doug with a cease and desist order or you will sue..Maybe you should sue anyway.


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