Having noted in the last 3 days a romour of a new revisal of the NWT etc I thought I would see if I have all the NWTs in my collection:
1950-1961 are-
1. Christian Greek Scriptures
2. Genesis-Ruth
3.1 Samuel-Esther
4. Job- Song of Solomon
5. Isaiah-Lamentations (I think?)
6. Ezekiel- Malachi (I think?)
These I have stored away.
Now the 1961 complete green bible I have. (Hebrews 1:6 I think has a difference from today)
The 1969 Kingdom Interlinier I have on pdf.
The 1971 Black Large Print I have.
I have 3 1984 Reference editions
Numerous Maroon and Black soft covers. Also numerous Black Hard Covers (All 1984)
The 2006 soft covers I have several langauges. (All have removed the [] brackets.)
I should say I have 30 other translations. Im a collector- not a believer.
Are there any NWTs I have missed? (Besides the audio on the website lol- BTW the audio.... Mark 16:8... it ends..... John 7:53-John 8:11 ..gone. No footnotes in the audio so it's not canon lol)