A SERIOUS investigation of the identifying date of CHRIST'S RETURN

by Terry 7 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Terry


    We have a ladder.

    The foot of the ladder can be moved closer or farther from the wall.
    The closer to the wall the higher the ladder reaches.
    But, the length of the ladder never changes.

    Height is a function of the angle created when you scoot the base closer or farther from the wall.

    What do we use a ladder for anyway?
    We need to reach something.

    Pretty simple, right?
    Unless you don't know how high you need to reach!
    Once you DO know how high you need to reach you can lean the ladder against the wall
    and climb up and you're done!

    If you want to hang a DATE in history you need a "kind" of ladder.

    What is your ladder? Well, for a prophetic event... some kind of ladder of PROPHECY!

    The Prophecy (ladder) needs to reach CHRIST'S RETURN to establish the DATE certain.
    1. Find out the length of the ladder.
    2. Determine the angle so you can lean the ladder correctly and reach the DATE.



    How many historical dates does the bible come right out and identify with a number?
    ANSWER: Not even one.


    a. Establish a starting point and an end point for your prophecy
    b. Identify location of starting point to compute location of end point.

    Example: I prophesy that Christmas will come this year 5 months from today.
    a. Starting point= today end point= Christmas
    b. Indentify today= July 29 end point July+ 5mos= December.


    Bible crackpots tell us our ladder is 2,520 years long.
    We need to lean our ladder against the Time Wall at a certain angle.
    If we are too far from the starting point or too near the HEIGHT changes!

    What do we need to know??
    Answer: the distance from the starting point of the foot of the ladder to the Time Wall!


    Locate the starting point in history!


    All reliable scholars tell us 537 c.e. is where the foot of the ladder goes.

    We already know the ladder has a length of 2,520 years.

    We now get to identify the correct Height and discover Jesus returned when?

    - 537
    = 1983!

    Search 1983 for the identifying event which signifies the coming of Christ!


    "Monty Python's The Meaning of Life," released!


  • Terry

    i DON'T THINK MY ANSWER is any sillier than the Watchtower "scholar's" answer.

  • startingover

    For the sake of accuracy, I just thought I should mention it's 587 (or 586) and not 537.

  • Londo111

    You might give Lar's a run for his money!

  • steve2

    • This thread powerfully illustrates that if people are determined to force-fit history and Scripture into their particular end-times schemes, they will do so, and if necessary, do so repeatedly.
    • The most telling point you make is this: No Biblical prophecy specifies chronological dates. Fascination with the magic of dates started much later.
    • Monty Python has the singular virtue of being no less silly than every single group and person who still tries to force-fit history and Scripture into end-time schemes.
  • mP

    Read the gospels literally, they are not talking about the future they are talking about contemporary times. The Messiah who returns to take his kingdom is Titus. He came to take Judea from the rebellious Jews.

  • Terry

    or the sake of accuracy, I just thought I should mention it's 587 (or 586) and not 537.

    I didn't want to get into copyright violation

  • Doug Mason
    Doug Mason

    You are wrong about 537 being agreed on. Search the www and you will find dates ranging from 538 to 535. It is possible that a statistical analysis would make 536 as a more popular alternative.

    The WTS has a horizontal ladder that stretches from 537 as its starting point.

    The reason is that no one knows and the Bible writers did not think it important enough other than to indicate the "70 years" ended when Babylon fell in 539 BCE. Not that that date has anything to do with anything either. The ladder is sitting on ice and there is no wall for it to rest against.


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