This clip shows an ex-mormon using the sparlock film as a way to show the control teqniques of the Watchtower society: Then you may watch this clip from a talk at this years convention showing how these methods are employed:
Techniques of control
by InquiryMan 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
sorry for inserting the first clip twice
Brilliant first vid thanks InquiryMan. I knew that the ridiculous teacings like blood, no worldy holidays etc etc were about separating people from human society and making them dependent on the cult for social needs.
What I hadn't really crystalised in my mind is that the social removal from human society leads to information control because you become suspicious of all 'worldly' sources, books, tv, newspapers, all human ideas. In my experience the crazy doctrines make people withdraw from you and exclude you from Xmas stuff at school/work etc, which makes you run to the cult but also makes you feel paranoid and persecuted. Out of being hurt we then become paranoid about the whole of society withdrawing even more into the cult - resulting in information control because why would we want to socialize with people who make us feel different or read their books?
What I still don't understand is how this relationship with an invisible being is forged. Why do we care about someone we can't see? Without that we could not be manipulated by - don't upset Jehovah. Why did I care about this invisible person, I just don't get it. Does anyone know how this is done?