Things that make you go..hmmmmmmm

by Terry 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Terry

    Able bodied Jehovah's Witnesses in time of war will not only refuse service in the Military but--unlike many other pacifist non-combatant

    denominations, JW's will also refuse civilian service legally provided for conscientious objectors.

    That leaves the members of all other denominations to give up their lives for their fellow man OR to do humanitarian service in hospitals.

    From the JW point of view the bad guys are defending the Jw's right to sit out the war while the bad guy empties bedpans.

    Jesus said, "Greater love has no man than he lay down his life for his friend." How much more so if the "friend" is a hateful JW?

    Now, another thing.

    Jehovah's Witnesses have tender conscientious reluctance to fire a weapon at an enemy in a time of war BUT they have no problem

    shooting people who threaten their Kingdom Hall.

    Facing Page One

    The Watchtower, Sept. 15, 1939, pp. 279-280

    June 10, 1940: Edwin Bobb was arrested for assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill. He was congregation servant for the Kennebunk, Maine congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses.

    Bobb issued weapons to other local Witnesses and turned the Kingdom Hall into a firing platform anticipating trouble from rioters. Then Bobb and fellow Witnesses waited in ambush. Some men showed up in a car and before it was over two men were wounded, one seriously.

    (Ironically the one seriously wounded is said to have had his life saved by administration of a blood transfusion without which Bobb would have faced a charge of murder.) The only firearms confiscated belonged to the local Witnesses.

    Police confiscated 5 rifles and 2 shotguns from the Kingdom Hall. Bobb was later convicted of attempted homicide. Attorneys Hayden Covington and Charles Smith were counsel for Bobb. After incarceration Bobb worked at Bethel and on special foreign assignment for Watchtower from 1948 until 1956.

    So, are JW's really conscientious or are they remarkably cunning at doing whatever they damned well please and fobbing it off as religious scruples?

  • Hortensia

    Yeah, they liked a good fight back then. They actually caused trouble just so they could "anticipate" an attack and get ready for it. Then they turned all wimpy during WWII and subsequent wars. Where are the good pistol-packing JWs of decades past, I ask. Remember reading about one convention where they expected trouble and issued all the attendants a roll of nickels (brass knuckles being illegal) and a cane? Those were the days, all right.

  • prologos

    they went out to buy shotguns to defend or pretend to defend the old Gilead site near Cornell uni in ww2.

  • Terry

    Francis A. Schaeffer, author of A Christian Manifesto, stated, ‘I am not a pacifist because pacifism in this fallen world in which we live means to desert the

    people who need our greatest help. Consider the following illustration: I am walking down the street. I see a great big, burly man who is beating a helpless

    little girl to death. I come up and I plead with him to stop. If he won’t stop, what does love mean? Love means I stop him in any way I can including, quite

    frankly, hitting him. To me this is necessary Christian love in a fallen world. What about the little girl? If I desert the little girl to the bully, I have deserted

    the true meaning of Christian love and responsibility to my neighbor. Now extend this illustration to violence at a national level. We have in World War 11 the

    clearest possible illustration with Hitler’s terrorism. There was no possible way to stop the awful terror that was occurring in Hitler’s Germany except by the

    use of force. As far as I'm concerned, this is the necessary outworking of Christian love. The world is an abnormal world. Because of the fall it is not the way

    God meant it to be.’ (speech given in Washington D.C. in 1982).

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