Sue me.
Is it a hate crime to call them the Watchtower Babbling Trash Society?
by Narcissistic Supply 9 Replies latest jw friends
Of course not, it is simply lampooning, containing absolute truth in there. LOL
It is not hate speech when you are exposing a vile organization that is trying to lure or force people in and then trap them. Nothing like calling those of us who have differing viewpoints, usually because of bad experiences within the washtowel or because they see too many bad doctrines, "mentally diseased" in one article and then declaring such ones "worthy of death" in another.
I don't belive that fun with acronyms is a crime. But it may be, or may become one. One never knows.
Not to worry Narc, you haven't even put you tippy toe in hate crime territory.
No, but it IS likely ineffective to anyone else (unless you're just "preaching to the choir" and looking for a chuckle from the other participants).
Problem is, relying on clever acronyms is one of the weakest forms of argument, since it relies on the 'style over substance' fallacy (something I discuss in the following blog article):
Surprisingly, though, it seems to work for many...
Yes it is a bit of white gray propaganda technique emotionally effective but not intended to be completely logical but tugs at the emotional drives.
Watchtower Babbling Trash Society!
Hmmm ...has a nice ring to it!
In most legal systems, for something to be considered a crime, there must be a victim. No one is victimized by using that descriptive phrase.
No; it is satire and is protected by law.
Al Franken's book, "Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Idiot" was challenged in court, and upheld as protected free speech, satire.