Wow! That is great for your son. My son just turned 15 and our family left the borg less than a year ago. He has always been athletic and that was always something the JW hated, you couldnt even run track in school, but you could play with an easy bake oven. Some boys just dont get what they need being a JW, they need an outlet. My son just signed up to learn Tae Kwon Do, and he is loving it! He just got his gee and we are looking forward to the advancements he will make. It has done wonders for his self esteem and he is making new friends.
The JW always acted like if you do martial arts you might as well be worshipping Satan, but so far there has been no religious or spiritist content at all. The instructor said he could be a black belt in about 2 yrs if he really applies himself. He goes 3 times a week right now, and I too, am so proud of my son. I think I feel so strongly about helping him find something tomake him happy, because i feel guilty about bring him up as a witness. I am trying so hard to make amends for it now and encouraging him to use his own mind and look at all the possibilites out there for him.