I believe there are many on this forum who are not aware of the many online Bibles from which they could almost effortless copy verses to paste into their arguments. When one refers to a particular verse in a particular book, few readers have the patience to go seach through the whole book.
The online source I use is called "Bible Gateway." It provides several different versions of the Bible, and offers word search, which is an indispensible tool for those who take their Bible research seriously.
To add to his recommendations, there are some additional Bibles and Versions available, here:
Includes links to sites which offer other amazing resources, such as
The Ray C. Stedman Library
The Encyclopedia of New Testament Textual Criticism
Truth and Reason: Dedicated to the fact that faith in Jesus, the Son of God, is both True and Reasonable. Our faith in Christ is not a "maybe" thing. It is a fact as reliable as the daily rising of the sun. These links are intended to help you in your search for truth. For a list of the changes to the Truth and Reason Site, see the What's New page. For a list of pages around the Internet with links to Truth and Reason, see the Referer Links page.
Philologos: Authors include: Alfred Edersheim; Alexander Hislop; Cunningham Geikie; Edward Chamberlain; E.W. Bullinger; Frances Rolleston; Hannah Newman; John Bunyan; John Daniel; John Lightfoot; J.B. Lightfoot; Joseph Herrin; Just Another Christian; Louis Ginzberg; Sir Robert Anderson; W.M. Ramsay; and Other Online Books and Libraries
The Complete Works of Flavius Josephus
The Development of the Canon of the New Testament
collected and organized by Glenn Davis
And more
Keep the Faith