I was speaking with my aunt recently. She and her husband have been in Brooklyn Bethel since 1981 I believe, soon after Ray Franz left. I havent talked to her in quite some time, since Ive become inactive actually. So she calls me and initially actually acts interested in my life, but within 5 minutes she tells me that I need to go back to meetings because I dont have the holy spirit anymore. When I told her that I dont think I will, because being active always made me feel inadequate and more or less worthless, she just told me that was because I wasnt giving it my all. Couldnt believe it! Then she proceeds to tell me how happy she is that she never went to college, and that her life is so fulfulling, and that the gov body is humble, etc. etc. My parents wont talk to me, so I was actually excited that she called. Probably a bit naiive of me, but I guess I was hopeful. The conversation was relatively short with her telling me that Im hurting my parents, my wife, as well as her by being inactive. Talk about a guilt trip. Dont think she ll call again, and I wont pick up if she does.
My question for the forum is identifying a drama from the mid to late 1970s. When I had mentioned that I felt it wrong that elders spend a disproportionate amount of time pushing field service as opposed to sheperdering ones who are depressed in their own hall, I seemed to strike a nerve. She asked me where I got that idea, because it definitely wasnt my own! She then talked about the "Great Apostacy" in Brooklyn with Franz just before she got to Bethel. She couldnt seem to give me any details, just vague generalizations. She did say many, many people were kicked out for it. I said to my understanding Franz left on his own, and 3 or 4 others were kicked out. She didnt seem to like that I knew anything about it. She then mentioned a drama from the 70s that she claimed was apostate influenced unbeknownst to the Governing Body. Something about a kid and a neighbors yard, not sure. And if he hadnt been out in service that day he could have helped his neighbor more in a Christian kind of way. So it was basically saying something about it being ok to not always focus on field service, but to be conscious of being a good Christian in everday life.Sorry if that is vague, but does that ring any bells? She could barely remember herself, but insisted it was infiltrated by apostate writers. Any help finding the year and title of this drama would be greatly appreciated.