My wife is Filipina and I ge the impression they are a bit different from other JWs in regard to shunning family - my sister-in-law is Df'd but the family does not exclude her but she does sort of oerpate ont eh margtin of the family. I wonder wheterh there are any differences with Filipino JWs. I get the feeling that less of them fade or leave voluntarily once baptized but weopudl like some confirmation of whether that is correct.
Any Filipino XJWs here?
by Frazzled UBM 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
hi frazzled--i just remembered your in the UK. now--i cant help with the main topic of your thread---but--for what its worth my lady is Pinay --and is over here on a visitor visa. she is a catholic--but did date a jw guy in her high school years.
I think Paul Grundy's wife is a Filipino.
My wife is Filo. As you say, they are not nearly as strict with shunning. For instance, all my Aussie friends and family shun me, but a number of Filipinos here in Australia still speak with me. My mother-in-law speaks with me regularly, whereas my own mother once a year if I'm lucky.
There is still plenty of Filipinos that leave the religion. Many in Australia have from my circle of friends. I have also read that the Philippines had the highest percent decrease after 1975.
That's interesting. I expect there's a connection between the liberal ideas on shunning and the large decline.
Frazzled UBM
Laika - I hope you are right that the relaxed attitude to shunning means it is easier to get them to out but my experience with my wife doesn't fill me with much hope. Maybe I will be proved wrong>
jwfacts - seems we have something in common being Aussies married to Filipinas. Any tips from your wife about how to deal with my wife?
In much of the orient,-- family trumps,
wt issues, particularly doctrinal, i.e apostasy, are small potatoes compared to family.
If wt disfellowships enough orientals for wt reasons, it will start an avalanche of resentment from families that see the destructiveness for no gain.
only pain.
never a jw
I am not filipino, but I know few, an as a Latino can say that Hispanics similarly are not as strict regarding the shunning. It must be the common Latin ancestry of Filipinos and Latinos that keeps the family bond a bit stronger than the WTS would like.
Narcissistic Supply
filipina Jehos??? Holy Crap.
I find them very hard core. Extremely deluded .......batshit crazy. Next!
I have had similar experiences with Filipinos... even Filipinos of other religions don't really buy into the religion too much... I have even known of apostates freely stating their views with no consequence...
As regards Latinos, it depends on the people... it's a mixed bag. I guess since they are in the Americas and Freddy Franz and many others have paid their attention towards Latin America, that the attitudes are similar to the North American/Anglo JW's. However, family IS important, and I have seen a lot of JW's not care about the shunning.