Great video notjustyet. something we will learn together. Thanks for the replies, it is encouraging to know that i do not stand alone in this matter. Unfortunately the WTBT$ wants to drag everyone into their little drama. For now thing are ticking along. I have not allowed her to take him the the KH although he has been on the odd occation. I pulled her up on changing her meeting days and sneeking off there with him, He complained how boring it was and doesn't want to go anyway.
I do not mind the boy exploring but not with fanatics who cannot reason. He does need to be religiously literate but I find the Watchtower are NOT suitable teachers.
As adamah stated actually analyising the moral aspects of gods great moments the boy is too young yet to fully comprehend. He needs more time and through the traditional religeous education at school he will get a grasp of the stories without his mothers bias on events.
She has a slave mentality and approves of slavery in the old testament...I wanted to briefly discuss the issue but,.... the zelotness of her belief means things get intense and out of hand, too emotional if you like. She says she is qualified to teach the bible then why doesn't she know the first ten commandments given to Moses?
I pointed out the commandment about killing and she had to dive into the bible to check. Okay there are over 160 but the first most of christianity know them. I asked also why was it okay to kill men women and children and occupy a land, taking slaves. By her own admission it is okay to do this. really? Not in this day and age. If it is okay then was Hitler justified? I don't think so.
After digging at the subject of "thou shalt not kill" or in her words from the JW bible "thou shalt not murder" it appears that the morality of YWHY is on very shakey ground. It is okay to kill if you are a solidier but not to murder....this was her answer. Yet the inconsistance shows when the last discussion we had about this, no one killed it was god doing the killing through them guiding their hands....obserd to say the least.
After much going around the mulberry bush and recieving avoidance - jumping around saying JC had changed the law. To me the passage she quoted in Galations condoned the laws as it is set in the old testament but from her point of view it is not... Okay, so Jeeehovah changed the commandments or did his son over-rule his fathers rules that were set in stone....??? To me it is unimportant. The morality is.
The impression I get when it gets too hard or intelectually compromising - she then pulls out a book to offer or offers a specialist who knows about this subject to get them in to discuss it. I would have thought being "qualified to teach" and spends time telling everyone that all the religions have got it wrong and the WT is the only true religion then the answers should be there without refferal.
Same thing with exodus, god looking after them in the desert, in her words, starts off with 1.5 million who god is looking after and she quoted 1 ton of food per day supplied. Works out much less than a gramme per day per person. She changes it to 3 million and god supplies 4 tonnes per day of food. Still doesn't figure mathamatically. She quickly commented " oh you like mathamatics" and " god supplied" avoided the subject forthwith. Another avoidance....
I do not want to make her look stupid in all honesty as it is counter productive however the boy was present and get the impression that she didn't know what she was talking about.
In a nutshell, everything i say, is wrong from her point of view. Even if I point out a fact, it is wrong, even if it is written there in black and white or looked at logically. Since Eugene has preferred to side with me it looks bad on her even though she wants us to agree on things..( the WT way).
My son who was not taking part in the debate wanted to pull me away and do something else. Good for him.