For those who dont know, the movie "Earthquake" was a huge film with big stars in 1974. It was mass destruction of Watchtower Armageddon proportions all presented in "Sensaround". The soundtrack was augmented by a low tone that affected a person's inner ear making it seem the seat was moving beneath them. It was awesome. I was a kid and thought the theater was going to fall in on us. It only happened when the rumble came for the earthquake scenes. It looked a lot like the Armageddon scenes in the literature. Were you around then and did you see it? How did you respond. It was somewhat cheesy but if you were a young impressionable witness it was a really impressive preview of the big A. Let us know. Any other films make you think of the end?
If a Witness in 1974, how did "Earthquake" in "Sensaround" affect you?
by Wasanelder Once 6 Replies latest jw experiences
I remember going to see this with a group of witnesses. The older sister, who was the chaperone made a comment that these movies were here to help us understand what will happen at Armageddon.
I was actually not all that impressed with the suround sound.
Hello, Wasanelder: Yep, I saw it way back when. But, it never had any profound effect upon me , other than to think that it was an interesting movie, filled with special effects. But, I wonder, what were we supposed to learn from the plotline of Charleton Heston's character having an extra-marital affair with the character played by Genevive Bujold? Anyway, a little sidenote about Marjo Gortner, who played the role of that crazed, fanatic National Guard soldier. Before getting into acting, he was a child preacher. Yes, that's right, as a child, he was a preacher, in some kind of mainstream evangelical religion. I'll have to do some more research on him, on the Best Regards, everyone.
I did not go to worldly movies back then. And we were far too busy in the life-saving preaching work during the final months of this old wicked system of things.
I was 35 when that movie came out and to me it was just an action/disaster movie,I was still very much a witness but I dont think I related it much to the big" A"
Wasnt that about the time other disaster movies came out ? Poseidon Adventure , Airport ,The Towering Inferno ? I put them all as much in the same catergory.
I never saw that movie, but if I am not mistaken, didn't that period have a whole genre of diaster movies, like the Towering Inferno and such? That time period (and then subsequently with nuclear disaster themed films) was quite perfect for the whole JW mentality.
I am with smiddy on this one. The genre of disaster mpvies was all the rage and this was just the latest one. I guess we watched it, but seperated it from "reality" . More recently there was one called "Armageddon" which caused some wry humour in Witness circles, nobody got uptight though