I want to share this piece for several reasons. The most important is the plight of LGBT people in Russia. Nothing has changed for them in the more than twenty years since the USSR imploded. Another relates to Eric Snowden. I have repeatedly said I understand his reason for being a whistle-blower on the subject of domestic surveillance. His leaks have forced some change—albeit a modest one—in the way the Obama administration is addressing this subject. However, Snowden’s choice of Russia as a refuge was an egregious one that cannot be defended for any reason. This link underlines just one of many reasons why I believe this.
A third reason relates to the homophobia of the WTS. While not as virulent in action as Russia’s, its effect on gay, lesbian and bi-sexual Witnesses is the same. I was lucky in that somehow I survived until I was disfellowshipped and subsequently left the religion. However, I know others were not and they fell victim to suicide.
There’s still a long way to go for LGBT people, but we are making progress. Same-sex marriage is becoming a reality in more nations around the world. Discrimination against us is being attacked in the courts, in legislatures, in business and other arenas. Attitudes are changing. Anyway, read the following for yourselves. I’d be interested in your thoughts.