Just An Ordinary Dad, Please.

by Englishman 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman

    I’m working with number 1 son at the moment, he’s saving up cash for his forthcoming trip to Oz in May.

    My other 2 sons work with me from time to time whenever they need to earn extra money. That way they can all run cars and enjoy good holidays. I enjoy it too, I always seem to develop a special rapport with whichever one is working with me.

    They always ask me about my younger days when we are at work, and we have a good laugh when I tell them about some of the antics that I used to get up to. Sometimes they ask me about my life when I was in my 20’s and I tell them all about my casino days, or my old girl-friends or some of the dodgy deals that I once got myself involved in.

    Then I feel a tinge of sadness. My own father was always the life and soul of the party as a younger man. He would drink the water that the daffodils resided in, just for a laugh. Every alternate Saturday he would go to see Bolton Wanderers at Burnden Park, most nights he would spend an hour in the pub. He would regale us with tales of his war years in the RAF whenever we had friends round.

    Once he became a witness, things changed. Although he could occasionally be persuaded to recount an amusing tale, now there always came the same proviso: "I did that before I came into the truth, I didn’t know any better then".

    If only he’d realised how much that remark devalued his life experiences. He didn’t need to be always in the right, always the head of the house with a wife in subjection and children “being obedient” as to the Lord. I loved him to bits and would have adored him for his failings as well as for his natural kindliness, if only I had been given the opportunity to so do.

    Somewhere along the line, he picked up the belief that he must always be “Beyond reproach”, a “Servant of the Most high God”, a “Fitting Vessel” and a dozen or more such Theocratese expressions that, even now, still make me cringe.

    Poor Dad really missed out on so many family things and activities. Everything always revolved around whether it was a "Matter of approval" or not, whether something was "Fitting for a witness of Jehovah". What a pity that so many JW fathers today don’t have the simple joy that can be had in just being a Dad being open with his kids!

    But that's something that they can never understand, as long as they are part of the WTS, that is.


  • Dutchie

    Eloquently stated.

  • JAVA

    Good points, Englishman! The veneer of a Witness must always reflect the shroud of Brooklyn. The person behind the JW mask remains a mystery.

  • Mutz

    They do make souless drones of people. Having to watch every word and motive behind every action.

  • SYN

    Nice post, Englishman. Yes, this is why we call them the BORG! Resistance is futile - you will be assimilated. NYARGH.

    Seven006: "Have you tried drugs? Shooting up a little heroin might do the trick, it's hard to type when your stoned out of your mind. I don't know how TR does it!"

  • happy man
    happy man

    I can give you my expiriens from my life in sweden, born in the truth, and i can not say it was so difficult, think i hade a happy childhood. Now i have 5 children, i dont force them to anything, and perhaps i hade been to week, baucause,2 are not JW 21, 16, i think for me it was a bigg protection to be JW when i was young, and when i see this drogromantic today, glorfying mariujana for e xampel, i am worried, my 2 kidds say i am to old and it is not dangerus, brrrrrr.
    So i think my boy who is JW have a better protection from this madnes.Could bee intresting to here what you say of this drug thing, it sems to be a very bigg problem among young peopel today, what can you as a fadher do, before it is to late?

  • JAVA

    happy man,

    You raise some interesting points and questions. It's a common argument that being a JW protects youths from drugs and other ills. Other fundamentalist groups make the same claim, but I'm not sure the argument is sound. The Society does not record the number of JW children, the number with drug or alcohol problems, and how that compares to the greater society. Many groups have outreach programs to assist troubled youth. The Society's outreach program is to shun, thereby treating people like garbage. I don't know any professional that advocates shunning as a way of helping or protecting troubled youth.

    There are many things that can influence youth behavior. Peer groups, family; it's the old nurture/nature debate. However, I've never seen any evidence that supports the claim that being a JW protects children from drugs and other ills. The Society tracks hours spent recruiting converts, but claims about youth protection are bogus. Some can even argue that high-control religions cause more youths to rebel than the number who conform to the group's mold.

  • LDH


    One thing I most enjoy about being an XJW parent is not always having to be right.

    If I don't know the answer to a question my kid asks me, I tell her so.

    The thin veneer they wear is so uncomfortable; I feel sorry that they think they are pleasing Jehovah....


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