What things do you encounter in your daily travels that trigger memories and impressions of JW's?
Sarcasm and Impatience - Things That Remind Me Of JW's
by Iown Mylife 3 Replies latest jw friends
Julia Orwell
The book I'm reading at the moment about Stalinism brings JW religion to mind every second sentence.
Trying to buy a cigar or two from the local shop. Reminds me I have to be careful or I'll be seen.
Haha comatose, same here. I worked at a gas station, always worried some jw I knew would catch me smoking. Funny how you feel guilty about so many things years after you leave. Then one night at a bar of all places, I see some people from my old cong. And just smoked in front of them. Figure they spread that around, I went to an assembly for kicks and grins and a lot of witnesses I knew treated me like dirt. Oh but they did manage to greet my two month old daughter.