Gay Marriage - A Good discussion on Aussie TV

by fulltimestudent 2 Replies latest social current

  • fulltimestudent

    The first email I read this morning was from my gay XJW friend, asking if I watched this program last night ( I often do watch the program called Insight, on SBS)? I didn't in fact, as I was working.

    But I've just been watching some of it - rather impressive.

    So may I recommend it. Try


    I suggest the attempts by Christians to define marriage theologically is particularly shameful and exposes the essential meanness of spirit that is at the heart of Christianity.

    May I make that clearer?

    Christianity is mean-hearted because its central message is that you cannot live in the universe unless your a (insert make and model of choice) Christian.

    That meaness of spirit is clear in much of what JW's do and say, such as the right to disfellowship you if you disagree with their teachings, irrespective of the fact that the "organisation" reserves the right to change the teaching if so chooses, and may even come to teach some point that you may have been disfellowshipped for believing, in the past. Illogical, isn't it?

    That meanness of spirit then moves them to try to punish you by ostracising you, even encouraging your direct family members to limit association with you.

    And, its that essential meanness of spirit that makes Christians oppose the marriage, and to say to gay people like the two young men in the above discussion. Your love for each other is worthless.

    The claim that Christianity is about love is the worthless statement. Christianity is about taking away your freedom of belief and forcing you to believe what some little group of men (College of Cardinals, Governing Body, Synod et, etc, etc.) has decided to be the current 'truth'.

  • Quendi


  • brinjen

    Fulltimestudent I noticed that too. The majority who were against spoke of "traditional family values" but at the same time failed to recognise the isolation for many that those values cause. There were at least a couple of religious leaders who didn't support that view (the Catholic Priest and the Muslim Sheik).

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