This weeks Watchtower study, paragraph 11: "Even young children can learn to be generous toward Jehovah. 'When our family makes a donation at the Kingdom Hall, we let our children put the money in the contribution box,' says their father, Jason. 'They enjoy it because, as they put it, they're giving something to Jehovah'. Children who experience the joy of giving to Jehovah while they are young are likely to continue being generous toward him in adulthood. " .. (the picture on page 14, which we are directed to look at after this paragraph.. shows a young girl smiling as her father helps her put money into the donation box, with the caption quoting Proverbs 3:9.)
'Train your kids to give us money'
by The Quiet One 9 Replies latest watchtower bible
Narcissistic Supply
Yes we can train your kids like dogs, no problem.
we let our children put the money in the contribution box,' says their father, Jason. 'They enjoy it
That's funny.
Yeah, give me your money, and I will happily spend it for you. I'll do anything with money so long as its not mine.
What a bunch of maroons.
Money is going to Jehovah....that's a good one!!
And the Governing Body along with their wives live in luxury and as kings.
Shameless .... the WT Society taking advantage of children's natural desire to share. Hook them while they are young.
And as usual, the organization = Jehovah in all their written material such as the Watchtower lesson you quoted. -
The Oracle
Wow... this is so strange...
I have been unplugged from the JW world for only a few years, yet it seems like decades.
I wanted to come to the site to check out the latest goings on in the crazy witness world and everything I read brings back the memories.
It certainly is a strange cult... can't believe I stayed in as an elder as long as I did... BUT VERY GLAD I AM OUT and living a normal wonderful life.
If anyone is on here reading, and is still actively or semi-actively attending meetings and wondering what they should do in order to get out of the mess they find themselves in ... please consider this simple advice:
Never set foot in a kingdom hall again. Make this important decision and stick to it and you will never regret it!
The Oracle
how did jehovah manage to create the universe when nobody was giving him money back then ?
he did it on credit,
now it is pay back time,
listen obey and be blessed
H2H does not work, but
harvesting widow's estates does.
The WTS has been singing this song about children giving money to the WTS...we never had anything to money your parents give to you would mean that they expect adult children to get money from their parents to give to the WTS....???? My husband said that about 10 people out of 100 publishers would give money monthly...mostly people who gave out of their surplus not their want. He knew one elder who gave nothing for 11 months then at the 12th month he would give $1,000 when the congregation was doing a balancing act to pay their utilities. 1000/12 = 83+ which was about what the others gave every month. So he gave no more monthly but seemed to be saving the day.
Julia Orwell
Like those kids in 3rd world countries on the back of the old watchtowers who raised a chicken and sold it for a dollar and sent the dollar to the society? Those things were such transparent attempt at money grubbing made me crook even as a kool aid drinker.