This is the link that got me 'Unfriended' on Facebook...

by Newly Enlightened 9 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    Yep. JW's don't like to hear anything negative about the organization and this got me unfriended from a few of my JW friends. This was the start of our enlightenment:;contentBody

  • respectful_observer

    Haha, I'm not surprised! I don't have the b@lls to post negative news items about the Org on FB, etc., but even in conversation they don't want to hear about negative news items. When the Conti case verdict first got announced, a group of us was talking about it. After about 10 minutes discussing the actual policies of the wTS and the ins and outs of the Org's procedures in handling abuse claims, somebody in the group finally stood up and said, "I don't think it's right for us to be talking negatively of the Organization."

    When someone responded "We're not, we're just talking about how the jury obviously felt about the WTS' policies and procedures. We're not saying anything negative about how the WTS handled it."

    "Well, it doesn't matter. Even if it happens to be true, if it's paints the Org in a negative light, we ignore it and not talk about it."

    (I just kept my mouth shut; I didn't want call attention to myself. I could tell that what he said didn't make sense or sit well several people in the group, but because of institutionalized fear of being seen as negative toward the Org, everyone kept their mouths shut and moved on to another topic.)

  • blondie

    jws feel that secular media is controlled by anything negative about the WTS must be lies from Satan.

    I remember a jw that worked with the police and knew that the cause of a jw's car (and him) catching on fire was that he was smoking. Of course, he was dead and except in very rare situations does a BOE df a dead person, the elders did not want to hear anything bad about him and denied the media report about the cause.


  • whathappened

    Hmmm...don't have time to watch the video now but will come back later and have a look.

  • Oubliette

    Hey NE, do you know of another link to the story? I am a TimeWarner customer and because of their little public spat with CBS I can't view it!

  • Newly Enlightened
  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    I too have lost HEAPS of 'friends' on Facebook, people I've known for years, for less than that. JWs gonna shun.

    Better off without such 'friends'. It hurts for a time, but now I just go, "Meh" and cut my losses.

  • Crazyguy

    Make one wonder if people are so quick to shun over a link or a topic is it something to do with the brainwashing they receive? I was in for over 40 years and never thought like this, always of the opinion that we have the truth so bring it on anyone that wants to challenge us no problem the truth will vindicate itself.

  • jaydoubleu

    Hello all... first post! :)

    The same thing happened to me. I posted this link on Facebook:
    And I got unfriended immediately by 2 JWs. The next day I was unfriended by 2 more. Even family members unfriended me after that.

    When I saw the pattern, I realized it was better for me to cut any relationship with this people. So I unfriended the rest of them before they unfriend me.

  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    Welcome Jaydoubleu! Glad to have you here with us.

    I know it is unbelievable how they want to just stick their head in the sand and ignore the obvious.

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