Why don't you and gravedancer come to terms with yer differences and make up!
Or you can always tell me to go *&^# myself and keep out of yer business! But anamosity upsets me.....
by VioletAnai 2 Replies latest jw friends
Why don't you and gravedancer come to terms with yer differences and make up!
Or you can always tell me to go *&^# myself and keep out of yer business! But anamosity upsets me.....
I thought we did make up.
Not problem anyway. I have no friends left here so I am leaving.
I never had a problem with gravedancer. It seems that now he doesn’t have a problem with me, either.
Check this out: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=25667&site=3
Thanks for asking.