The media is paying attention regarding the Watchtower's demand for blind obedience
Blind Obedience in the media!
by TTATT 2 Replies latest social current
rip van winkle
Opening excerpt from the article:
Blind obedience is defined as the unquestioning adherence to inherently imprecise rules, even in the face of silly or adverse consequences. More simply, blind obedience is essentially doing something because you are told; you adhere to the rules because they are the rules. Blind obedience is unquestionable or complete obedience without giving any thought. The connotation of blind obedience is typically negative; it’s being passive in the face of adversity, taking the obedient route.
What would you say to me if I told you that you should follow my instructions without questions or thoughts? Of course you would say “I don´t think so."
Yes, its a good article. Although, I could hardly recognize Bo Juel Jensen without his finger flipping the bird in his picture.
Another thought: I like that he mentions "Blind obedience" because everyone should freely question organizations without fear of retaliation and no one should 'follow' without knowing what they are following.
So whether adherants of Watch Tower or adherants of AAWA, blind obedience is an unhealthy and possibly a dangerous thing.
The Nuernberg trials took away the excuse to follow orders in blind obedience
There will be consequences for the leaders and followers.