Knowing the limit of WHO and WHAT we are

by Terry 2 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Terry

    We all have a nature. We are each born different from others in many respects.

    Our human-ness is conceptually the same, however, as we age our differences become more and more apparent.

    Some kids hate vegetables. Some love risk-taking while others cower like whipped puppies.

    Differences in personality and attitude and taste becoming defining characteristics.

    Physically this is all too true. We come in shapes and sizes completely not of our choosing. It defines us.


    What is the nature of our HUMAN NATURE? Are we completely free?

    Can we become who or what we desire through hard work and applied effort? I don't think so. Not at all.

    Here is what I think:

    WE BECOME WHAT WE ARE no matter how much we may hate the fact, it is out of our control.

    Think of it as being behind the wheel of a runaway car with no brakes. All you can do is steer a bit.

    Some few things we can change along the way: how much, how often, when we do what we do.

    But, our deepest longings are not of our own choosing. I always say to anti-gay people:

    "And when did you sit down in a chair and ask yourself whether or not you wanted to be heterosexual?"

    Because, in fact, we do NOT make that choice.

    It is made before we even know there is a distinction to be made.


    We are passionate or not. We are enthusiastic or not. We are optimistic or not. We are daring or not.


    We are somewhere on that grayscale in how passionate, enthusiastic, optimistic and daring we are.

    Each of us is born with a range of possibility open to us and the rest totally blocked off that we can do nothing at all about!

    If you were born a Sociopath you will remain a sociopath. Sorry, Charlie. It is your nature

    We learn fast in school that some kids can take on a helluva lot of tasks and excel at them. Others can't seem to do a damned thing without screwing it up.

    We are NONE of us created "equal". Our only equality is that we have opportunity to TRY to succeed at something.

    Trying is not the same as doing. But, trying is beautiful.

    Our capacity to reach that success may not be inside ourselves at all.

    Ever know a fat person who was 100 per cent dedicated to diets and exercise who couldn't lose weight?

    EFFORT does not guarantee success.


    I think we must face the fact that it is random, chaotic, unfair, unjust and wholly out of our control to the extent we are born beautiful, healthy, unlimited and intelligent.....or.....less....much less.....tragically less. Each in his or her own way; we learn to live with it and reach for the stars when we know on some deep level that our reach exceeds our grasp.

    (Does this not more candidly reflect the result of some random process of evolution than the temporary setback of a divine plan of paradise for perfect humanity?)

    I find it fascinating that we don't actually know who or what we are for many years.

    We are controlled by parents, teachers, church, society and politics to "turn out" a certain way according to their plan or template.

    How many of us bristle with resentment at this? Most? Many? Some?

    At what age did we finally discover we aren't measuring up to the PLAN?

    When do we finally admit to ourself we aren't going to be President, or rich or successful or..........whatever the dream may have been?

    I THINK WE BECOME WHAT WE REALLY ARE finally and then have to live with it. The awful truth may be so tragically unfulfilling we cannot face it.

    What if our nature is to merely be ordinary in some ways and below average in others?

    Could we face that? Do we face that?

    Human nature is cruel. It is often savage. But, worst is when it is inescapable in us. We cannot hide from what we are.

    What if you wake up and find you are drawn to killing (serial killer) or sexual deviancy (pedophilia) or sadistic pursuits or.......make up your own list of horrors...............?!

    When and how do we face what is so dark about human nature?

    As JW's we had an explanation for all that is dark and failing in humanity and we were part of a grand divine plan to make it better for everybody (if only they will listen!)

    But, now...........?

    On our own we merely see the chaos. There IS NO PLAN for all of mankind to become perfect and happy and fulfilled. Isn't that tragic?

    Yes. We lament the loss of our fantasy. But, we have become more than what we were before when self-deluded. Actually seeing our limits can give us a more reasonable expectation of what life offers on all sides.

    By setting our goals realistically we might be more accepting of who and what we are finally.

    By having a secure knowledge of why things haven't turned out all shiny and sweet-smelling in our life we adjust and become comfortable in our own skin at last.

    We are---in the final analysis---who we are NOT by choice!

    We live with it. We work around it. We build and plan and improve where it will make a difference instead of shooting for the moon and falling back on the cold hard ground in failure.

    HUMAN NATURE: what the heck is it REALLY?

    It is what being YOU actually means in the context of your life. Accept it or flee from it---you are stuck with the result.

  • garyneal

    We become what we think about...

  • myelaine

    Thank you garyneal.

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