Some quotes from The kingdom is at hand (1944, pages 179-88), which presented an alternative view:
Religious clergymen have attempted an interpretation of this dream, making it refer to the rise and fall of the four successive world powers, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and the Roman empire.
The image of the dream represents Satan's organization as a whole, invisible and visible, and including "the god of this world" himself... Satan the Devil is the golden head of the image... Brass (or copper), and silver, and gold, are superior metals, and hence are well used in symbolizing the unseen spiritual parts of Satan's totalitarian organization...
The feet and toes of the image of the king's dream were seen to be of iron mixed with clay, picturing divided power and organization... When the great crisis of Satan's world is reached in the near future, the political iron will sharply divide off from the religious clay. The ten toes of the image picture the complete number or all of the religious-political governments of men at the time of such climax.
w49 5/15 page 153 and Make sure of all things (1953, pages 101, 104, 235) also refer to the statue as Satan's organization.