How many can relate?
by nonjwspouse 6 Replies latest jw friends
This definitely applies to when we stopped all association with the WTS, meetings, conventions/assemblies, field service, weddings, funerals.
We wished we had done it sooner.
I feel that every time Christmas season is over.
Hubby gets in such a huff about abstaining from the "pressures of the world" that there is no simple way to enjoy the season. Talk about pressure!
I cannot think of a pressure of the world that the JWs have not converted into a reverse pressure of twice the magnitude.
The pressure of conformity would be sustainable if you had excellent arguments for it.
The pressure of maintaining physical endurance in the face of adversity, ditto.
The pressure of hourly active self-denial, or anti-disillusionment, or enduring cognitive dissonance, when you don't have excellent arguments for it is probably worse than anything physical.
What Blondie said- her view totally puts forth what I felt after stopping attending meetings 10 years ago. Like a ton of bricks had been lifted off of my shoulders
What Blondie said.
the child in the picture will have her/his feet firmer on the ground once the balloon's added bouyancy is gone,
so are those that let go of the wt hot air,
they will be more firmly anchored in reality.