Thanks Terry for your commentary above. I really enjoyed it!
It's a definite fact that they [GB/Watchtower Society] don't encourage independent study of the Bible, and of course we know the reason why. And it is not because a person could not learn the truth if they follow the advice given in Proverbs "to search for it as one would for hidden treasures." I am reminded of this passage from the book of Proverbs which plainly tells us:
- "if, moreover, you call out for understanding itself and you give forth your voice for discernment itself, if you keep seeking for it as for silver, and as for hid treasures you keep searching for, in that case you will understand the fear of Jehovah, and YOU WILL FIND THE VERY OF KNOWLEDGE OF GOD." -- Proverbs 2:3-5 New World Translation
So the bible gives us the direct answer to this question, of whether one [an JW individual or anyone else for that matter] person can truly find the "truth" or not by personal effort or not. Can it be done through intense personal effort on an individual's part? The Watchtower says no. But what does the bible say about this. The bible answers, "yes." The bible gives each individual the answer to this question. But, we simply must be willing to do something. We must be willing to really, "search" for it, like looking for "silver" or "hid treatures," which means intense personal effort on all of our parts. But, the Watchtower Society or the Governing Body, cannot stop or retard this process. Its all up the individual and His Creator, and that's it. And Jehovah and Jesus always know who really, really searching for it, like "hid treatures" and who are not. They know. Which means, this wicked viewpoint of the Governing Body/Watchtower Society is simply a Satanic "ploy," an obvious ploy by the GB [to tell people they and only them, can correctly intrepret the bible for all other people] to keep people from reading the Bible for themselves and learning. Incidentally I must add, this has really worked on most JWs and got them to do precisely that. They must stay ignorant, the way the WTBTS wants to be. (1 Cor. 14:38) They are told, to "Wait on Jehovah" and also, "Wait" on the "Slave" too, to understand the "deep things" about the bible, which is a big, big mistake if we listen to this garbage. -- 1 Cor. 2:10 I also think this evil ploy works on people because most people don't really want to put forth the necessary effort it takes to learn "hid treasures" from the Bible. So this diabolical ploy plays right into the hands of the GB/Watchtower perfectly. Most JWs are just lazy about bible study. Its much easier to just let the Watchtower do all their thinking for them. For example, I was surprised my own mother bought into this "ploy" too, by telling me one day she didn't really study or read the bible much, because she couldn't understand it. Now mind you, this lady had been an active, baptized Jehovah's Witness
since 1947, and that's what she told me. Of course, I didn't agree with her and told her so. We all know its the GB's main agenda to discourage individuals from studying the Bible, once they join the JW movement. They also, don't want you to go to college too, so that you will not learn how to "THINK' either. (I attended college myself, gained two degrees for myself, despite their foolish protests. My father insisted on higher education for all his children.) They don't need those type of people around, educated people, educated in the bible knowledge or higher secular education either. They don't want either kind around the "Kingdumb Hall," do they? They want you to stay "dumb" and let them do all the thinking. Because, if you can learn the bible on your own, then you don't need them to tell you what to believe. (As many already know, the little understanding they have of what the bible teaches, can be gleaned by anyone who would take the time to study it.) When a circuit overseer's wife told me that Matthew 28:18 didn't mean what I thought it meant, that was because my understanding was not the same as what the GB said it meant. So while I'm in field service, if I don't explain a verse the way they do, then I don't have truth. Therefore it's a waste of time for me to read the Bible on my own, in their opinion. And we know the operative word from the GB is "Obey me" and only me. For example this latest statement from an upcoming magazine: here is the link to the Watchtower's Comment from the latest Nov. 15th, 2013 issue... Paragraph 17
- "At that time, the life-saving direction that we receive from Jehovah’s organization may not appear practical from a human standpoint. All of us must be ready to obey any instructions we may receive ,whether these appear sound from a strategic or human standpoint or not. (4) Now is the time for any who may be putting their trust in secular education, material things, or human institutions to adjust their thinking. The elders must stand ready to help any who may now be wavering in their faith. "
End of quote. 'Nuff said. Thanks again, for your comment.