My Wife Cheated On Me
by Samnyamz 8 Replies latest jw friends
Sorry to hear that! That's a dagger right in the heart...
LoisLane looking for Superman
Samnyamz... Hello. I am very sorry to hear that. Do you feel like talking about it? You can say what you want... But this is public. After you hit post, you have a total of 30 minutes to change - delete, whatever you wish. On your top right side there is a little yellow pencil. Hit that to change and or delete if you are not comfortable. May I say Welcome to JWN. Just Lois PS Simon... I do not know what is happening here. When I hit post, it ALL becomes one huge paragraph. I do not post like that.
Try google chrome.
Been through similar recently. Incredibly painful. She wasn't my wife but my partner and we had talked marriage. Cheated on me several times. One of the reasons, hell, the main reason why I'm in such a dark place sometimes and quite low. Sorry to hear your news and I wish youevery happiness.
Sammy so sorry. I know all to well the pain of being cheated on. When I found out I became sick. Literally. We're here to listen.
What does that mean "cheated on me"? You were playing cards and she had one hidden up her sleeve?
Ratt: you're right. Sammy doesn't offer many details. The suspense!