I Know A MS That Just Got Reappointed As An Elder After 5 Years And Still Thinks He's Not Qualified

by minimus 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    He's a very good man and recognizes his limitations. He still dislikes field service and considers himself inferior to the other elders. He has almost no contact with his disfellowshipped older son. He's always discouraged.

    I wonder how long he will last this time.

  • Gayle

    Do the other elders know how he is, sounds very 'negative.' But is the elder body, CO, really desperate? How many elders are there in that Cong ?

  • minimus

    I think there's 6 there. He gets "discouraged" rather easily.

  • Mum

    My understanding is that very few JW's want to be elders these days, and they try to press anyone they can into eldership. i.e., they're desperate. To me, the fact that this young man has self-doubt means he actually may be one of the better elders.

  • Splash

    Self doubt, inferiority and unworthiness are the trademark traits of a JW.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    From your description, Min, I wonder if he is not a potential suicide.

  • minimus

    NN, I doubt that but he never thinks he does enough and by JW standards, he's right!

  • MrFreeze

    The WT likes keeping the members running on that treadmill, never doing enough to reach any sort of goal. You can always do more.

  • Fernando

    It could be a good sign that he is aware he does not measure up, rather than hypocritically pretend.

    None of us do measure up against a perfect standard or perfect God.

    He would just love coming to know about IMPUTED righteousness, where anyone can be granted a right standing with God as a "free gift" that cannot be earned, deserved or paid for.

    What if you were to ask him to mark every occurrence of the words righteous, righteousness, justification and justify in Paul's letters? Possibly you could then ask him to explain how righteousness is attained according to Paul.

    In time you could ask him to explain "law vs grace" and "faith vs works" according to Paul.

    That just could be his ticket out of the apostate Watchtower organisation.

  • minimus

    As was said, it's a never ending treadmill.

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