Hi guys and girls. I sent my DFed sis a thread from the board here that was a pedophile topic and she replied back with stories of her own.
Makes you wonder how much of this goes on that we never here about!
Here is what she wrote:
"Thanks Lar,
I love what Farkel say's which is the meat of the story on Pedephiles.We experienced 2 seperate instances ourseleves in 2 different congregations with this crap. It was not given over to the police, it was handled and covered over by the elder's. In fact the elder that studied with Lar and I had to step down because he went to the police because they wouldn't. Alot more to this story of course, but he was only trying to protect other little girls. This guy, Bill found out had been in prison 2 previous times and was on probation for molesting teenage girls. The previos congregation new about it to before he came to ours in Mesa.
So therefore he got to molest at least 2 that we knew of in our congregation. Then there was another case here in Chino, and the guuy moved on to another congregation back east.
It makes me sick that they have no accountability to another human being because it might bring reproach to Jehovah's organization. SHAME ON THEM!!!
I also like the guy called sleepy. Boy he brings the points home that the other guys were not facing or forgot about. The discrepencies, the judging, the false prophecies, the controlling, and so on and so on. It was great. That's what the general poppulation never understands about them. It goes so much deeper than whether their problems are the same as another religion. It's there inability to be able think for themselves.
This pedophile crap gets me riled, can you tell"? LOL
Love ya me