Hi, it seems like I've had the wool pulled over my eyes again I'm an extremely GULLIBLE person! *LOL*
Someone who is quite closely related to me managed to arrange me a loan so I could buy a car from another person who is ALSO closely related to me last year, around February. The car was OK then (old Ford Escort, my first car). So anyway, we arranged the loan and everything, and then I got the car. No problem.
Shortly after I got it, we took it to a mechanic, and he said that the steering rack was in danger of literally falling out, which would mean I'd lose all control of the car. This is a Bad Thing.
So we got it fixed (very expensive, lots of $$$), and went off on our merry way. Now at this time, the carbarrettor (SP?) wasn't working so well, but I figured it would just use more gas and not hurt anything.
A month after that, the HEAD GASKET blew (or so we thought). So we towed the car to my house, and left it there for a week while we arranged for a mechanic to come help us look at it. When we opened the head, we discovered that all four pistons had rusted against the side of the engine and were not moving. There was literally water all over on top of the pistons It looked HORRIBLE!
Now today I found out from someone else that the person who arranged the loan for me actually loaned twice as much as I thought they loaned, and that I've actually paid off the amount the car cost, but I've been blithely paying them the usual (rather large, a significant fraction of my paycheque in fact) amount every month anyway, not knowing that the amount I had paid had already more than paid back the cost of my car.
So what do I do? I love this person very much, and I suspect that if I stopped paying them this money every month they would probably get into a lot of trouble with their creditors. I'm in pain here, because I don't want to abandon them in their "hour of need", but I don't like the idea of my hard-earned money being leeched off me by anyone either!
Seven006: "Have you tried drugs? Shooting up a little heroin might do the trick, it's hard to type when your stoned out of your mind. I don't know how TR does it!"