Interview with "Journey to God's House" author Brock Talon on JWStruggle

by RayPublisher 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • RayPublisher

    My interview with "Journey to God's House" author Brock Talon is on my JWStruggle YouTube channel.

    Brock talks about writing the book, his background as a former JW, and more.

  • HappyOutsideTheBox

    Great interview and great book! HOTB

  • LivingTheDream


    I had fun with the interview. After listening to it with my wife today, it sounded a bit better on replay than it did in my own brain when I was doing it. Your editing might have helped...?

    Thanks again for putting it on JWStruggle, the coolest YouTube channel.


    Thanks for the great review on It is much appreciated.

    Brock Talon

  • Aunt Fancy
    Aunt Fancy

    I enjoyed the interview and I am almost through with the book, so far I have enjoyed it.

  • tornapart

    Great to hear you Brock... it's a brilliant book and I loved reading it! I always love reading other people's experiences and especially when there's humour.

    My favourite bit has to be the movie night with Mickey Mouse the GB's favourite cartoon sorcerer... maybe that's where Sparlock evolved from.. LOL

    Brilliant read!

  • Lied2NoMore

    Nice job I was enthralled thru the whole interview...

  • LivingTheDream

    Auntfancy - Hope you like the ending of the book now that you are getting along in the book. Let me know how it ends for you.. maybe in a PM?

    Tornapart - It's so interesting hearing different people's favorite parts of the book. I'm not 100% sure about this, but I don't think I've heard two different people tell me the same "bit" that stuck with them the most or made them laugh the most, etc. I was actually going for that. That is, to have many different points of interest to appeal to a wider audience...

    Lied2NoMore - To be frank, when I finished the interview with Eric, I thought I blew it. I didn't really say all the things I wanted to say, through no fault of Eric's. So let me add something to the interview that I really wanted to say when Eric asked me to describe the book:


    I wrote the book to be accessible to both JW and non-JW alike. Witnesses have a lingo all their own and my wife encouraged me to explain each of the things that came up so that a mere "normal" person could understand what I was referring to. Sometimes I did that in a funny way to show how obtuse these terms could be.

    I wrote the book to be in small chapters or stories to be easily digestible for those with short attention spans like me. So, many stories make up the bigger story, but each story can stand or fall on it's own pretty much.

    I wrote the book so that most of the time the readers can make up their own minds as to what the "lessons" are. Sometimes there are lessons within lessons, but each story does have a point to it, sometimes blatant, other times subtle.

    Brock Talon

  • Oubliette


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