Parallell scriptures does anyone know how many?
by Bugbear 8 Replies latest watchtower bible
I have noticed that a number om Biblical books are quite similar to each others. For instance the books of Kings and Samuels and Chronical do contain exact the same phrases in many chapters. In some cases just a few names are different and switched to another. i have understood that these chapters are called the "parallells". Is there anyone who knew which chapters are equal? Is there anyone who made a computer run to se which chapters are only copies of the other. 40 years ago I remember that the Aid book tried to answer tha question with that the writers wieved it from diffrents standpoints. As an academic I must say that if you are to write un accademical essay, this "coping" will automatically disqualifing you from an excim. Please anyone there who could help me? Bugbear
there are webites that will show the parrellel of any scripture, biblecc is one I can think of offhand.
There are at least 3 'harmonies' of Samuel, Kings, and Chronicles that I know of. One is an online PDF. If I can find it, I will post the link.
But the best one I have found is this one. Even the corresponding words are lined up in parallel columns. I've gotten much use from this book as a research tool and heartily reccomend it. (When I bought it it was about $20. I see it has gone up a little since.)
It uses the RSV and includes related passages from Psalms, Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezra.
Samuel-King and Chronicles are parallel of course. Chronicles uses Genesis for geneology of course. Psalm 18/2 Samuel 22 also Psalm 14 and Pslam 53. There are other parallels in the Pslams. Proverbs had numerous parallels... some coming up 3 times! Isaiah 2 and Micah 4 have a parallel. Jeremiah and Obadiah have a Parallel. Of course the Synoptic gospels Matthew-Mark-Luke.... John 6 has a parallel to them with the 5000 miricle. Paul makes a Parallel between Romans and Galatians. Of course Jude and 2 Peter are parallels. Revelation is not original. It copies Ezekiel and Daniel alot. Most of this paralleling is copying later.
Thank you for all your help. I have been wundering how all these parallells come to be. One exponation from a Bible critical University I have read is that all hebrew scriptures originaly was not written down. Yhey were sagas litterary learned by hart. A number of men/boys were taken out to learn some texts by hart and remember it to be read on the ceremon in the synagoug. Some times goes, and those poeple who actually could write some hebrew, was taken out to write those "Learned by hearth" sagas. Of course they wrote dawn listen to the people who know their storyies by hart - on scrolls not codex. And of course it is far more difficoult to see similarities between texts in a scroll then in a codex. Year by year these by hart learnet masses of texts were written down and nobady noticed that the already hade copies of copies of copies.... When Athanastasious (a greek Bishop) prescribed all these texts as "Canon" He didnĀ“t know either. In fact some Jewish sects and some Islamic congreation still use the consept of learning by hart.
These are the reasons why the bible cannot be "Gods wholly word". The bible is still one of the most intressting litterature we have more then 2000 years old but it is nothing in it that could face common scientific facts. The same goes with the Choran.
Well start at the beginning. Gen 1 & 2 present two different creation accounts. read each one and note the order of creation, of the animals, A and E. One says they were both created together and the other has the rib account. Then zoom along too Noah and the flood in Gen 7 & 8. One says 40 days and the other 150 days the earth was covered. One says to gather 2 each animal and the other 7.
Perhaps hte classic example are the gospels. Mt and Lk are basically copies of mk often word for word with minor edits. Lookup synoptic gospels what it means and why.
Good point. It's interesting that the book of revelation uses language and even word for word scriptures from the old testament prophets who prophesied about the destruction of jeruslaem in 70ad and the temple.Check out my youtubechannel if you want seekchristonly
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