Not sure if the way I phrased this sounds retarded or not, but I feel it's a legit thought. God creates the earth giving it "life". Gives animals and the rest of his creation the same, but never created them to "worship". We're the exception apparently.
If God is so set on devoted "worship", why didn't he create animals with abilities to do this as well?
by lurk3r 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Good chink in the aetiology. If God designed an imperfect world, where animals were adapted to eat other animals, and humans with their fire, tools, and capable jaws could derive sustanance from animals, and man was put here to be tested, then there'd be little problem with the aetiology.
But the idea that animals were perfect, viruses were perfect, mosquitoes were perfect, sabertooth tigers were perfect, kimodo dragons were perfect, great white sharks were perfect, rattlesnakes were perfect, baleen whales were perfect, spider wasps were perfect - well, that causes problems with that aetiology. God went to an awful lot of work to create these potential adaptations that were not intended to be adaptations, only for Adam to screw up and these non-adaptations were corrupted instantly from a peaceful costly signalling of useless ornament or procedure to an extremely convenient system for eating, reproducing, etc. I await TWS putting in a cartoon of a great white shark eating kelp, of a rattlesnake sinking its envenomating fangs into a tomato, etc.
Sustaining idiocy in the face of common sense is the conspicuous display, or costly signalling, of a robust belief system (impenetrable faith) organized around the alpha prophet, entirely engineered as a shiboleth or challenge/authentication system of vetting allies in that belief system. Has nothing to do with making sense. Has to do with identifying allies. With allies you share or entrust wealth, build marriage alliances, build power bases, maintain quid pro quo or patron/client relationships, even build your own little reality inside of which all is true and outside of which all is false. Has not the first thing to do with making sense.
Cold Steel
All things have a purpose and we aren’t God’s first creations. I’ve always thought the idea of God being a singular being, with no peers or companions, who existed for countless googolplexes of millennias with no one else around except for Him. And then, for whatever reason, he gets up one day and thinks how nice it would be to have intelligent creatures who would worship him. So it takes him six “eras,” or days, to create Earth, when, if He has power to speak a universe into existence in a fraction of a second, He can’t do instantly. What are the six eras of time for? Well, in my view it’s just priestcraft.
If there’s a God, and I believe there is, I don’t think he’s vain enough to go into the creation business for company, nor do I think He filled the immensity of space with matter, anti-matter, dark matter and any other kind of matter just so He could put one planet in one galaxy and then stock it with animals and plants and everything else just so He would have someone to praise Him.
One scholar writes:
“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth” (Genesis 1:1). Why did He do so? asks the atheist. To put people on earth that they may worship God, comes the traditional Christian reply. “Suppose that an infinite God exists, what can we do for him? Being infinite, he is conditionless; being conditionless, he cannot be benefited or injured. He cannot want. He has. Think of the egotism of a man who believes that an infinite being wants his praise!”14 Traditional Christians are still, to my knowledge, at a loss to answer this criticism. Why did God create us? He doesn’t need us, so what was He thinking? Usually the answer goes something like this: since He is the perfect being, He wants to share Himself with others. “What is man’s chief end? To glorify God, and to enjoy Him forever.”15 I have never heard consensus from traditional Christians on exactly how we are to glorify God. But all this would make sense only if there were others to glorify Him and share Himself with. There weren’t any such others, so He had to create some. This answer begs the question; the reasoning is circular. The only reason humans, and probably the angels for that matter, were created was to fulfill a need that did not exist until they were created! And then it goes back to the question of why God wants to share Himself—which has still not been answered. (Source)
14 Ingersoll, “What is Religion?” 491.
15 Elmer W. Homer, “The Master Purpose in Life,” in American Lutheran Preaching, ed.
Miles W. Krumbine (New York: Harper and Brothers, 1928), 91.To me, the religionists have always managed to make religion look ridiculous. Both the old and new testaments have agreed that man isn’t just a creation, but progeny. And if man is in the image of God, then why is God in the image of a terrestrial being? Why does He have a head, eyes, ears, nose, hands, feet and so forth? Is it possible that He ever lived on a world like ours and was Himself resurrected and glorified, and since has become an heir of His Father? And is it possible that creation is a part of an ongoing process in which man falls, is tested, then judged and redeemed?
In Revelation, John writes of Jesus: “...and made us a kingdom, priests to his God and Father.” (1:6) If Jesus was Jehovah, the intercessor, the king of kings and lord of lords, the first and the last, the great I AM of the Old Testament, then He has a God and Father. And if we become joint heirs with Christ, inheriting all that the Father has, then are we not also subject to the same “God and Father”?
Regarding animals, even though they’re less intelligent than man, they, too, are eternal beings and have spirits like man. Under the atonement, they will be resurrected and they, too, will praise God, not only because of their creation, but because of their redemption.
Just food for thought.
Maybe it is because the draconians (the real leaders of the filthy angels) wanted HUMAN souls, not animal ones. Those things wanted us to live as slaves and be miserable, and then die. That was joke-hova's original purpose for us on earth. As the animals were not involved in this, they were not expected to give up everything so they could worship joke-hova. Sex remained free for the animals, who were also free to pursue entertainment while us humans were to toil in repression so joke-hova could benefit from that.
Notice who it was that worked so hard to disrupt joke-hova's plan for us and give us freedom, without the hidden costs of worshiping in ways that counter nature. Joke-hova supposedly gave us Jesus to free us from "sin" and bring us back into slavery, at the price that we must follow a paradigm that closely parallels communism. Anyone reading the Sermon on the Mount from your own LIE-ble, then reading the core principles of communism, should see how closely they are related. Satan, on the other hand, attempted to free us not from "sin" but from the original slavery. We would have had the use of our minds, we could have developed our souls, we could have found doctrinal truths (including using science to that end), we could have had peace, we could have had independence instead of depending on a few companies that put out crap products and enslave the workers.
Now, if I were to try pairing this paradigm with a joke-hova that actually loves us, it would be impossible without resorting to the absolute sin of stupidity.
Trevor Scott
Good question. I've added it to my list of things about the Bible that make no sense.
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