The first reaction of a JW with Cog Diss

by Phizzy 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Phizzy

    I don't think any JW is without Cognitive Dissonance, unless they really have no thinking ability whatsoever.

    So, once their beliefs are challenged, what is their first reaction ?

    Nearly always, in common with others who have Cog. Diss, they challenge the integrity of the one offering the challenge they " Shoot the Messenger".

    For example, the Alcoholic or heavy Drinker, when confronted with what may happen healthwise, will challenge the integrity of the research. The JW will do the same "Where did you get this information ?".

    It is a device so that they do not have to actually examine the evidence itself, and hence deal with it. Why do they resort to this ? because of fear that they might find out the Truth.

    What we need to be prepared to do whenever we are "anti-witnessing" is to spike their guns by saying something along the lines of "If something is true it doesn't matter where you got that from".

    It is difficult though, I have had lapsed JW's of many years refuse to look at the excellent site because they say it is "an Apostate site".

    Well of course it is , from a WT point of view, but that is the only kind of place they will be able to get information from that will challenge their belief.

    What it all comes down to is this, their faith is so weak that it will not stand any challenge or scrutiny.

    How different from real Truth, which withstands any scrutiny.

  • Ding

    If you are using old WT literature, it might be more effective to say, "I'm glad you asked me that. I know there's a lot of false information being spread about Jehovah's Witnesses on the internet and the only way I can know for sure if something is genuine is to ask a JW for help checking it out."

    If they ask, "How do you know there's false information out there about Jehovah's Witnesses?" you can say, "Another JW told me that. He said there are a number of ex-Jehovah's Witnesses and other opposers who spreading falsehood about the Watchtower organization. He said I should test all things instead of simply accepting something as true. That's why I'm hoping you will have the time to help me."

  • Phizzy

    Yup, that's the sort of thing, we are then free to present something we may have come across from anywhere, and we are simply asking them to prove it wrong, the U.N thing, the paedophile scandal, whatever.

    Good way of phrasing it Ding, thanks. I have pondered for a while how to circumvent their Cog. Diss, it is difficult, as anyone trying to get through to an inveterate smoker for example, will testify.

  • Narcissistic Supply
    Narcissistic Supply

    Maryann williamson says that everything in the world is done out of Love, Or out of Fear.

    that's it. You can look at the world through those rose colored glasses. I can assure you it is a better fit than the JW model of lieing to you and denying your reality.

  • alanv

    Interestingly I recently had a chat with a friend of mine who is a Catholic. He was speaking about the virgin Mary and the fact that Jesus was her only child. I tried to show him that in fact Jesus had fleshly brothers and sisters, and immediately he shut up shop. He just would not entertain the possibility that what I said might be true. He wouldn't even look at the bible verses. Many JWs are the same, they like what they believe and do not want to actually check if it is right or wrong.

  • jgnat

    I would say a successful conversation is where the Witness gets quiet. That means he's thinking. Let him think long and hard.

    I would say the dissonance is too great if their natural self shuts down and the cultist takes over, repeating WT "logic" robotically, as in "I know it is the truth." I've witnessed this and it's darn scary.

    If you've gone too far you can bring the natural person back by reminding them of some characteristic of their natural selves, such as "Oh, Charles, you know you always...(exaggerate, are so dramatic, are so cool under pressure)."

    I don't bother talking to the cultist. That's predictable and boring. I talk directly to the natural self.

  • Phizzy

    Good point jgnat, the natural self is even there with the born-in UberJW.

    I was talking with one a few days ago, and her natural self agreed with everything I had to say about how to handle cases of child abuse. Not once did she defend the WT's poor record on this, yet on other matters she has spewed out the usual cult responses, no matter how silly, on more than one occasion she has run away from me !

    I must have found her real self, on this one subject, it is a start.

  • man oh man
    man oh man

    That is interesting Phizzy as the subject of child abuse is the only one I can get my wife to discuss. She even goes as far to say that the gb will be punished if they don't change their policy.


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