This site used to have the option of two layouts, one narrow and the other wide. Thse selection is no longer available (used to be just under the username/envelope/logout).
Why the narrow layout?
by darthfader 7 Replies latest forum tech-support
Resistance is Futile
I've got the same problem in Google Chrome. The screen "expander" option is gone. While viewing the site, the page runs off to the right and scrolling is necessary to view all of a post. To view the whole page I have to zoom way out, at that point the text is much too small to read comfortably.
It was done on purpose by Simon the owner of the site due to slowing down the Web page loading.
I have a high end computer with fast inter-net so I haven't noticed any speed difference but people
who use tablets or smart phones might notice a boost in speed.
I prefer the wider page because my desktop moniter is a 16x9 .
Yes, I removed it because it added 2 extra blocking requests on page load for everyone for a feature that only a few people used. Right now, it defaults to the narrow layout but I'm hoping to re-enable it again soon with a non-blocking version.
Should be back now, let me know if it gives anyone any problems (only had time for limited testing in different browsers).
Thank you!!
By the way, I understand that you wrote this site youself (didnt use any canned fourm software)... that is impressive.
Thanks Simon for returning the wider pages. ....cheers.
LoisLane looking for Superman
Simon.......I too now have the page widener but I don't use it. What I MISS are my paragraphs. Yesterday, or the day before, I posted once, and got paragraphs... then...puff... my quota was up and they disappeared again............ The page I am writing this, I only have the one line, that shows icons to put thumb up or down, flash light moment, an X in red etc. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> How do I get my paragraphs back?.............. Just Lois