WBTS, hope your reading this...

by label licker 4 Replies latest social family

  • label licker
    label licker

    and asking yourselves if you can sleep tonight with your eyes closed! You say your spirit directed yet everyone should feel spiritually content. But they are not. How sad that a ninety year old sister in a nurseing home(run by JWs) has to call her relatives( now ex-jw's thanks to your new lightBS and our witnessing) to ask what is going on with the Watchtower and how she is so confused. How sad that her husband had just passed away about a month ago and she has noone to comfort her. Not even the ex-witness relatives can say anything for fear she might die of a broken spirit along with her broken heartHow sad she's not the only elderly person who is thinking they have something wrong with them mentally because they feel as though they are the lost sheep due to your insane BS. Romans 1:21-25.

    But we have the power to change all this. For starters word of mouth is the best advertiseing going. Our neighbours are preaching from their rooftops telling witlesses that come to them about JW Facts, JW Survey, Jw Net ect,,, I laughed my face off when they told and elder yesterday about how you protect pedophiles. The witlesses couldn't believe it and that they were going to look up these sites as well as the Candice Conti case. By the way, count your lucky stars they didn't run them off their property. They actually said it was more entertaining to watch these guys listen and write down the "apostate sites". They also told them to read your elders manual online. You started it with the name calling and now we are showing people what your really all about, you yellow bellied chicken scat! Oh, and they love telling people what you do to those that ask questions.

    Oh, and guess what else we do for kicks, we still telephone witness(free of charge because it's not long distance) but not the way you think. We are calling everyone in the phone book to tell the witlesses when they come to their doors what sites to look up and why you are a cult and to pass it on. When we're done this phone book we will start into another phonebook. Just for asking questions we get df'd? Really? Your a cult. These are their words not mine. We're having awesome conversations about the hell you put us through and to go on JW net to read more stories of what you do to people. And then we share our new beliefs with them. We have so many studies starting with all of our old return visits that we had to go back and apologise for your stupid idiotic fairytails that you've been brainwashing people with. I personally want to thank you for kicking us in the head for the veil has been lifted. I might stop if you want to stop your name calling scare tactics or else we will have to go to the newspapers next.John 5:39-44 READ IT AND WEEP AND REPENT!!!

  • Crazyguy

    Thats awsome, I too want to bring down this Cult. I'm think about talking to the guy running JWfacts and what it would take to get his website posting well when people do searches on Google and Bing. Also going around my territory with little tracts exposing this cult. Keep up the good work.

  • Comatose

    Hey I didn't hear you were DFd. I thought they had no evidence! Wow. Kangaroo court.

  • label licker
    label licker

    Hubby is df'd and I'm on public reproof but absolutely noone will even say hi to me. Yesterday two sisters were in the same building as me and saw me and wouldn't come near me. Yet, the same sister afew minutes later waved and smiled at hubby but then realised he's df'd and turned into a witch. Before any of this hubby was in the parking lot getting out of the truck when another sister approached him who he had never met before and wants to give him a tract. He didn't recognise the tract and asked who she was and when she asked his name she wasn't friendly anymore but ran from him. Could not believe what we were experienceing.

    How strange it must of looked when all these sisters were in the same parking lot and one sees the other either smiling and waveing then mean and the other sister running from him. I guess you had to be there to see it. He said it's more fun now waveing at them as they are trying to get away like he's got a disease. You can see they don't really want to act that way but then they have to fight having to be something they really don't want to be and that's mean and rude. For once it's not us running from the witlesses but them having to be put in difficult situations that they know is wrong.

    For the recored I did ask the CO to df me so I could appeal my jc. In that way I would have three different brothers on my jc but the co said as long as all these elders were on the same board he couldn't do anything. Yet, when I asked the one elder if I could appeal my reproof he said yes but if I tried to do it then they would df me. I found out through the co you can't appeal a public reproofing. I even told the co I taped my whole jc and he wanted the taping but I didn't give it to him. The minute they go to df me then I will give it to Ray as long as he promises me deletes the name on the tape mentioned for there's at least fifteen different names on there that could sue me. I'm not about to lose everything we worked hard for to a bunch of no good for nothings.

  • whathappened

    Keep up the good work and let us know what kind of results you get.

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