*** Chapter 1 ***
[1] A brief history of the Jehovah's Witnesses, descendants of the First Century Christians:
[2] The First Century Christians gave birth to the Aryans; [3] The Aryans gave birth to the Waldenses; [4] The Waldenses gave birth to the Lollards; [5] The Lollards gave birth to the Anabaptists; [6] The Anabaptists gave birth to the Adventists; [7] The Adventists gave birth to the International Bible Students Association; [8] and the International Bible Students Association gave birth to the Jehovah's Witnesses.
[9] The first President of the Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society was Charles Taze Russell; [10] who was succeeded by Joseph Rutherford; [11] who was succeeded by Nathan Knorr; [12] who was succeeded by Fred Franz; [13] who was succeeded by Milton Henschel; [14] who was succeeded by Don Adams, [15] who is not a member of the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses, [16] since it was considered advisable to separate corporate jobs from spiritual ones.
[17] All this information, then, from the First Century Christians to Don Adams constitutes fourteen basic bits of information you need to know about the Jehovah's Witnesses, whose Governing Body (aka 'Faithful and Discreet Slave') has an unbroken line of spiritual feeding from the First Century Christians to the present day.
[18] Concerning the birth of Jay, it happened this way. While his pregnant mother Maria was living with her boyfriend Joe, she started a Bible Study with Jehovah's Witnesses and after sometime told him that they needed to get married or he would have to live somewhere else. [19] However, because he was not looking for a permanent relationship, he had already secretly decided to pack his bags that night and leave.
[20] However, after Maria had left to do some shopping, and while he was giving the matter some more thought, a knock came at the door and having opened it, look! A Minister of Jehovah's Witnesses appeared before him and said: "Hello Joe, I know Maria is going to have a baby and she's going to need your support. Why not come along to The Meeting this Sunday and meet the folk at the Kingdom Hall?. [21] For she will want to raise your child as a Jehovah's Witness, and send him out on The Ministry to find sincere people who want to study the Bible."
[22] And so Joe had a change of heart and went with Maria to the Sunday Meeting, and discovered that The Organization welcomes even single mothers and good-for-nothing men. [23] For The Elders told him, “Look! Even though she's pregnant, you both can get married in a registry office, get baptised, and then your child will be born into a family of Jehovah's Witnesses (which means, when translated, "that body of Christians who recognise the spiritual authority of the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses situated at 25 Columbia Heights Brooklyn New York, United States.") [24] After that Joe, like Maria, experienced a deep emotional response, and from then on did everything The Elders directed him to do, but he did not return to his girlfriend's home. [25] For he had been instructed not to have sex with her anymore until they were married; and then only to perform those sex acts approved for use by the Governing Body.
*** Chapter 2 ***
[1] One day, when Jay had grown up, he was found to be reading this text aloud: "A voice was heard in The Spiritual Paradise, weeping and crying out in emotional pain; it was the voice of Rachel weeping for her child, and she was unwilling to take comfort, for the child was no more because of The Organization's policy on Blood Transfusions."
[2] Therefore the three Bible Students began seriously questioning him, saying: “How could this be?” [3] Therefore Jay said to them: "To be honest, unless you obey The Governing Body and refuse to drink blood by way of an intravenous method, you will have no Spiritual life in The Organization, for if unrepentant, then you will be Disfellowshipped." For these were the day's before New Light revealed that it was not a disfellowshipping offence, but was one of 'automatic disassociation' (which means when translated, 'guilt by disassociation') [4] "He that heeds the orders coming from The Governing Body and refuses to drink blood by way of an intravenous method and then dies, that one will be assured of a resurrection into The Earthly Paradise; [5] for the symbol of life, that is blood, is more important than that which it represents."
[6] "He that heeds the orders of The Governing Body and refuses to drink blood by way of an intravenous method will help maintain the Unity Of The Organization. [7] Just as The Mother Organization, holds out to me The Hope Of Living Forever on a Paradise Earth, so too, if you become baptized, you will have that Hope also. [8] These are the orders that have come down from Brooklyn. It is not as when previous generations of Jehovah's Witnesses were allowed to choose for themselves and yet lived. He that feeds on The Literature will have The Hope Of Living Forever" [9] He was saying these things to them while they were at their first Assembly Of Jehovah's Witnesses.
[10] Therefore one of his Bible Students, when he heard this, said: "This requirement is shocking; who could ever agree to it?" [11] But Jay, knowing in himself how disturbing this issue was, said to them: "Are you stumbled by this? [12] Do you not know that The Governing Body has ascended, in authority, to the place where Jesus Christ was before he came to earth? [13] It is their words that are life-giving; ours are of no use at all. They are 'spirit-directed' (which means when translated, 'vote-directed') and obedience to them will give you some meaning and purpose to your life. [14] But I sense that some of you do not believe that." For from the beginning of his Bible Study with each one of them, Jay had an idea who would be more likely to believe and who would not. [15] Therefore he continued on to say: “This is the reason I said to you previously, no one can have A Proper Relationship With God unless it is granted through The Mother Organization.”
[16] Because of this one of them left The Assembly immediately, later discontinued his Bible Studies, and continued to be Part Of This World. [17] Therefore Jay said to the two who remained: "You are not thinking about leaving also, are you?" [18] Mr Simmons replied: "Well, WHERE shall we go away to? You talk about The Hope Of Everlasting Life; [19] and I, for one, have come to believe that The Governing Body is God's Sole Channel Of Communication On Earth." [20] Jay thought to himself: "I've studied with you for a while, have I not, yet I wonder if you really believe that?" [21] He also had his concerns about Miss Meetings, for this one was going relay to him some facts about The Organization that he was not aware of. [22] Nevertheless, he continued to try to encourage the two who had remained.
*** Chapter 3 ***
[1] "Make sure you hand in Monthly Reports of your Field Service so it can be used to help assess your Spirituality by The Elders; otherwise they will think you are Spiritually Weak and you may not be considered for Privileges. [2] So when you go on The Ministry, remember to keep a note of your Hours and Literature Placements, not like the Spiritually Weak ones at the Kingdom Hall who go along to occasional Meetings in the hope that someone may still care about them. To be honest, they are deluded. [3] You however, should not let them know that, [4] that your real opinion of them may be a secret; then your Mother who is watching you secretly might eventually repay you with a place in The New System Of Things."
[5] "In addition to that, when you pray, you should not be like the Spiritually Weak, who say their prayers in their heads just before eating a meal at a restaurant, so as not to stand out. To be honest, they must be wary of attracting attention. [6] You, however, just before eating a meal at a restaurant, don't say your prayer in secret; then your Mother who is watching you in secret, via the eyes and ears of your fellow Brothers and Sisters, might eventually repay you with a place in The New System Of Things. [7] When you are at The Meeting doing The Watchtower Study, try to keep to the answers you underlined in the paragraphs, for don't imagine you will be thought of as Spiritual if you use too much originality. [8] Therefore, do not decide for yourself what you will be studying, for The Governing Body your Mother knows what things you will need to be reading."
[9] “This, then is how you must pray: 'Our Mother on the earth, let your name be highly esteemed. [10] Let your Kingdom Ministries continue to come. Let your will take place, as in the Bethels, also within the Kingdom Halls. [11] Give us today our Daily Text for this day; [12] and continue to keep us in debt, as we know how it is important to keep giving donations towards the loans for and upkeep of your Kingdom Halls, as well as supporting the World Wide Work. [13] And do not allow us to think for ourselves or question our beliefs, but deliver us from criticism.' [14] For if you shun former friends and family who are disfellowshipped or have disassociated themselves, then your earthly Mother will approve of you; [15] whereas if you do not shun them, your Mother will not forgive you."
[16] "When you are out on The Ministry, stop becoming sad-faced unlike The Apostates, for they put on a happy face that they may appear to us to be enjoying themselves. To be honest, I would have to say that they are having a great time. [17] But you, before you go to The Meetings, brush your hair and wash your face and put on a smart suit if you are A Brother, or a smart dress if you are A Sister (but not a trouser/pants suit), [18] that you may appear to be important, not to The World, but to your Mother who is incognito; then your Mother who is secretly watching you might eventually repay you with a place in The New System Of Things."
[19] "Stop thinking about having a Worldly Career in This System Of Things, where there are opportunities for bettering yourself and becoming financially secure, and where you can spend money how you like. [20] Rather, become a window cleaner and put yourselves in line for unending requirements in The Truth, where nothing is guaranteed, and your monetary contributions are spent to keep the Watch Tower in business. [21] For where your unquestioning obedience is, there your heart will be also."
[22] "The light of logic is found in the mind. So, if your mind is dull, your whole body, including your legs, will be ready to regularly employ you in Theocratic Activities without question, even though they may be very boring. [23] but if your mind is bright, it will question things too much, and your whole body will resist participation. If in truth you are dull, how wonderful that dullness is! [24] No one can slave for The Organization and at the same time be his own person; for either he will bury his disagreements and stay with The Organization, or he will stick to his conscience and leave The Organization. You cannot slave for The Organization and have your own personal set of beliefs and sense of morality."
[25] "So, to be honest, I tell you: Stop worrying about the fact that The Organization is not like the Churches in setting up charities to help all sorts of people in material need. Does not The Preaching Of The Kingdom mean more than food and the holding of Assemblies more than clothing? [26] Pay careful attention to The Governing Body, because they personally neither grow food nor gather it into storehouses; still your earthly Mother makes sure they get fed. Aren't they worth more than you are? [27] Who among you by getting upset about this matter can change anything?"
[28] "And concerning clothing, why are you even thinking about that? Learn from companies trading in donated clothing, how they are increasing; they do not give their services free, it's all about spin; [29] I tell you, not even King Solomon with all his wisdom could have thought up a building empire like The Organization's. [30] So, if The Organization keeps losing members of The Great Crowd who are here today and gone tomorrow as they are thrown out into The World, will it not much rather keep you safe, you with so much trust in it? [31] Therefore, never get alarmed and say, 'Why do they keep changing the meaning of The Generation', or 'Why do they keep changing what counts as Blood' or, ‘Why do they keep saying that The New System is almost here'. For your earthly Mother knows you have these and many other disturbing questions."
[33] “So then, continue to seek first how you can do more work for The Organization, and all your worries will be sorted out in The New System, if you make it there. [34] Therefore, put all of the inconsistencies that you are seeing today out of your mind, for tomorrow there will be even more. It is sufficient to try to not worry about today's New Light."
[1] You will recall that we told you previously about The Theocratic Arrangement which was set up for The Governing Body to direct while Jesus was not available to be seen. [2] Until that day when all the nations would be able to see him, we were given Spiritual Authority to plug into the holy electricity output to power our New Light bulb. [3] And so by positive proofs we showed ourselves to be The Faithful And Discreet Slave Class which was chosen in 1919 CE (although back then it took several years for the communication to reach us, so we continued on for a while with our Babylonish celebrations of Birthdays and Christmas). [4] For up until that time we had been hoping to meet our Lord in person at The End Of The System Of Things, but even though it did not happen we felt it best not to withdraw from our current chronology, and kept waiting to see what would happen. [5] This was because we had not only been baptized with water, but were also of The Anointed, and our New Light bulb was not yet bright enough to reveal The Great Crowd standing before The Throne of God with phonographs in their hands."
[6] One day, when we were all assembled together, our President, Brother Rutherford, brought up the subject of the resurrection with regard to those Faithful Men who lived a long time ago. Then the Judge said, "I firmly believe that when they are resurrected they will find themselves all alone in the USA and in need of accommodations. [7] Also, since our dear departed Brother Russell is no longer here to give his valuable insight, I took it upon myself to work out a new chronology, now that the times and seasons and have been placed within our own jurisdiction. Therefore, I'm pleased to announce that those Faithful Men will be arriving in 1925. [8] So, I have an idea to build a wonderful home for them, which we will call Beth Sarim, and I will go there often and get filled with the Spirit, and we will send out The Brethren to announce it in America and in all Europe and Asia and to the most remote parts of the earth." [9] And some time after he had said these things, when this glorious place had been built, he regularly went to make sure that people like *David would find it agreeable to live in this slightly-smaller-than-accustomed-to dwelling.
* Note: Of course, David's father Solomon likely would not be resurrected since he was an Apostate. However, if Solomon was resurrected and he lived in Beth Sarim, his son David (because they would both be living at the same address and were family) could say, "Hello" to him and share a meal with him at the dining table, but all the other Ancient Worthies could neither say, "Hello" to him nor have a meal with him, otherwise they would have to be Disfellowshipped.
But, wanting to appear Spiritual, The Body Of Elders said: “What really is the right attitude toward Inactive Ones?" In reply The Governing Body said: "A certain Inactive One got very depressed, stopped coming to Meetings and experienced Spiritual Turmoil. Now, by coincidence, one day a Ministerial Servant happened to be on The Ministry in this Inactive One's street, but, when he saw the Inactive One's house, he decided to cross over to the opposite side of the street. Six months' later when an Elder was working The Territory again, as soon as he reached the Inactive One's house, he decided to quickly move on and call on some homes further down the street. Meanwhile, the Inactive One had done much searching on The Internet and found a support group for JWs. However, this web site run by an Apostate (which can mean, when translated: one who deliberately spreads teachings contrary to Bible truth as taught by Jehovah's Witnesses). The Apostate site gave lots friendly advice and had many members who were able to encourage and help the Inactive One overcome his Spiritual Turmoil. Even though the cost of running the web site was expensive, the Apostate bore all of the cost, for she said to herself: 'I want there to always be a place online that can help people in this way'. Now, who of these three seems to you to have shown the right attitude toward the Inactive One who fell into Spiritual Turmoil?" So The Body Of Elders said: "The Ministerial Servant and The Elder because (a) they were not Apostates, (b) they didn't want to disturb the Inactive One, and (c) they knew anyway that he would get yearly visits to encourage him to come back to The Meetings."
"What really is The Governing Body that appointed itself over Jehovah's Witnesses, to provide Spiritual Food at Meetings every week and at Conventions every year? Happy is The Governing Body when it finds people who do not question it and are willing to do everything it demands of them. Without doubt, it will use its legal entities to appoint a group of such people to be trustees of all its belongings." - Matthew 24:45-47 (The Governing Bible)
"For there is one God, and one mediator between Jehovah's Witnesses and God, some men, The Governing Body." - 1 Timothy 2:5 (The Governing Bible)
"Come to us, all you who are vulnerable, and we will control you. Put our fetters upon you and learn from us, for you are to be quiet and humble, and you will find no relief for your souls. Because The Meetings are boring, and The Work is tough." - Matthew 11:28-30 (The Governing Bible)
"Governed ones, believe every uninspired expression of ours and do not test each one to see if they originate with God, because we don't want to be seen as false prophets that have gone forth into the world. You can know which uninspired expression is from God by this: All of the uninspired expressions that come via our Publications originate with God, but every uninspired expression that does not come via our Publications does not originate with God. Furthermore, this is the anti-JW's [uninspired expression] which we keep warning you about, and which is now being spread all over the world via the internet." - 1 John 4:1-3 (The Governing Bible)
"That is the reason they are standing before 25 Columbia Heights, and offering free Bible Studies day and night; and the Governing Body will spread their authority over them." - Revelation 7:15 (The Governing Bible)
"... And we saw The League Of Nations ascending out of the restless sea of mankind ..." - Revelation 13:1 (The Governing Bible)
"And we saw, and look! The Lamb standing in Brooklyn, and with him The Governing Body, with the address 25 Columbia Heights written on their foreheads." - Revelation 14:1 (The Governing Bible)
"A revelation seen by The Governing Body which they have kindly made available to their slaves, in order to show them both the things that have already taken place in the light of Prophecy, and the things that will very soon come about. And they sent forth their Watchtowers and presented Spiritual Food through their appointed Watchtower Study Conductors. Who swore blind that this was the Word Of God, even to all the things they had seen written in The Literature. Happy is he who reads aloud his underlined answers at The Watchtower Study, who hears the words of The Governing Body's interpretations, and who does not observe the fact that these are constantly changing; for the members of The Governing Body are only human (at the moment) just like the rest of us." - Revelation 1:1-3 (The Governing Bible)
"After these things I heard something like the voice of a Great Crowd on earth. They said: 'Praise The Governing Body, you people! For the greatly diversified wisdom of God can become known only through them.'" - Revelation 19:1 (The Governing Bible)
"And then we saw a New Heaven and a New Earth, and the former heaven had been cleared out for The Governing Body (and the anointed who had all appointed them to be their representatives), and the former earth had been cleared out for The Great Crowd; and the restless sea of mankind is no more. We saw also the holy headquarters, New 25 Columbia Heights, with a nice view of the New Earth. With that we heard a shout from the heavenly meeting room, saying: 'Look! we will appoint Princes in the earth to direct you for the next thousand years, because we will be busy writing the New Scrolls, of which only those that get a two thirds majority vote will be published.'" - Revelation 21:1-3 (The Governing Bible)
In the beginning was The Governing Body, and at first The Governing Body thought it was with God, but New Light revealed that The Governing Body was in fact God. - John 1:1 (The Governing Bible)
"And you must trust The Governing Body with your whole heart and mind and strength, and you must trust them more than yourself." - Mark 12:30 & 31 (The Governing Bible)
"Brothers, do not forget that your Dedication and Baptism called for submission to The Governing Body. So do not make excuses for not attending Meetings or going out in Field Service, but rather continue being slaves for us." - Galatians 5:13 (The Governing Bible)
Proper worship, by decree of The Governing Body, is to look after Field Service Reports and make sure you have a Regular Share In The Ministry, and to keep one's thoughts to oneself when it comes to Doctrine and Organizational Matters. - James 1:27 (The Governing Bible)
Everyone that thinks for himself and deliberately expresses views contrary to Bible Truth as taught by Jehovah's Witnesses offends The Governing Body. However, he that thinks differently but keeps his mouth shut, will not receive an invitation to attend a Judicial Committee. If anyone is Disfellowshipped or Disassociated, even if they are members of your family not currently living with you, you must Shun them. For if you do not, you could end up Disfellowshipped. - 2 John 9-11 (The Governing Bible)
And The Governing Body sent a letter to all The Congregations saying, "All authority has been given us over the Spiritual Lives of all the members of Jehovah's Witnesses. Therefore, go into the House To House Ministry and get Bible Studies and encourage them to be baptised with the identity 'One Of Jehovah's Witnesses', and with the identity 'In Association With God's Spirit-directed Organization (which means when translated: The Governing Body)'. And keep telling them to recognize the Spiritual Authority of The Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses situated at 25 Columbia Heights Brooklyn New York, United States, and keep reinforcing in their minds all the things we have commanded you. And look! We will be with you (in one form or another) all the days of The Overlapping Generation until the end of your individual lives." - Matthew 28:18-20 (The Governing Bible)
One Corporate Body there is, and one Spiritual Authority, and The Governing Body even blessed you with one Earthly Hope. - Ephesians 4:4 (The Governing Bible)
My son, heed the commands of your father, but always remember that when it comes to Spiritual Authority, they can be superceded by the Laws of your Mother (which means when translated: The Governing Body). - Proverbs 1:8 (The Governing Bible)
If then you are concerned about parents or children who have been stumbled and left The Organization, remember that it is better to have loyalty to The Governing Body than to your own family members. - Matthew 18:9 (The Governing Bible)
Therefore even if The Governing Body declares to you as The Good News something beyond what was declared by Jesus Christ himself, let them still have your trust. - Galatians 1:8 (The Governing Bible)
But straightaway I [Paul], contacted The Governing Body in order to get training at Gilead to prepare me for missionary work, for the congregation at Antioch had said they could appoint me, but I said: "No. We should not run ahead of The Organization!" - Galatians 1:17 (The Governing Bible)
Now it came about that as he was on his way to Damascus, there suddenly appeared a New Light that made the road ahead clearer. Then, as he stumbled along, he heard a voice say to him: "Brother Saul, why are you causing trouble for us?" So he replied: "Good Lord! Who are you?" Then the voice answered, saying: "We are The Governing Body, and we need to draw your attention to the fact that The Organization not only has a long history of successful litigation, but also has a number of landmark Supreme Court rulings in favor of it. Nevertheless, if you want to try your luck, your lawyer may be interested in looking at decisions involving The Organization that were made in cases similar to your own." - Acts 9:3-5 (The Governing Bible)
"However, even when The Governing Body presumes to publish in my name things that I have not commanded them to write down, because The Anointed have made them their representatives, that Governing Body will stay put. And in case you ever ask: 'What should we do if we think they are making a big mistake?' When The Governing Body speaks in the name of Jehovah and what they say does not come true, it is only because they are imperfect humans. With sincerity The Governing Body spoke and that is all that matters. You must still recognize their Spiritual Authority." - Deuteronomy 18:20-22 (The Governing Bible)
But we have heard that all over The Internet Apostates are deliberately spreading teachings contrary to Bible truth as taught by The Governing Body, saying that we are a False Prophet and that The Brothers should not Trust us. - Acts 21:21 (The Governing Bible)
For many have gone forth into The World by means of The Internet, persons not confessing The Governing Body to be God's Sole Channel Of Communication. This is The Apostate and The Ex-JW. Watch out, that you do not question what we have worked so hard to get you to believe. That you do not lose out on The Hope of Everlasting Life in a Paradise Earth. Everyone that runs a head of The Organization (which means when translated: The Governing Body) and does not recognize the Spiritual Authority of The Governing Body when we publish Bible Truth As Taught By Jehovah's Witnesses, does not have a Proper Relationship With God and is probably Spiritually Weak. However, he who Trusts us has both a Proper Relationship With God and is Spiritually Strong. If anyone in your Congregation speaks with you and suggests that we might not be God's Sole Channel Of Communication, let your local Body Of Elders know. They may form a Judicial Committee and, if they do not think this person is repentant, Disfellowship him. If he remains in that state he may well Die At Armageddon, which will mean that you will never have to speak with him again. Of course, if you don't make it into The New Order, you will never speak with anyone again. - 2 John 7-10 (The Governing Bible)
The Governing Body, representatives of The Faithful And Discreet Slave, to all the Congregations in The World: Meetings! - James 1:1 (The Governing Bible)
The type of worship that your Governing Body and Mother says is proper is this: To attend Meetings, go out on the Field Service, study the Publications, and underline all the answers for the Watchtower Study. - James 1:27 (The Governing Bible)
Of what good is it, Brothers, if someone says he reads the bible but not The Publications? Surely he cannot understand the bible without New Light from The Governing Body, can he? - James 2:14 (The Governing Bible)
If a member of The Congregation is experiencing economic problems, let that one seek help from their family and from government welfare agencies. - James 2:15, 16 (The Governing Bible)
Therefore go and privately confess your sins to an Elder. If it is serious enough, then a Judicial Committee will be formed and the Elders will determine whether or not they should show mercy. For the decision of each Judicial Committee is to be regarded as if it were God's (unless of course the decision of an Appeal Committee determines otherwise). - James 5:16 (The Governing Bible)
And The Governing Body, who were situated in Brooklyn, said: "Look! We are changing all things with New Light." - Revelation 21:5 (The Governing Bible)
Make sure you report your financial gains (which means when translated: money earned) to the government, but your spiritual gains (which means when translated: number of Bible studies and literature placements) to The Governing Body. - Mark 12:17 (The Governing Bible)
In the beginning The Governing Body created a heavenly hope and an earthly hope. Now the earthly hope for Christians needed proof and support, so God’s Spirit-Directed Organization was moving to and fro over the words of John. And The Governing Body proceeded to say: "Let New Light come to be." After a little while, The Writing Department came up with New Light. At that The Governing Body saw that the New Light was good, and so they set a distinction between the Old Light and the New Light. So they started to speak of the New Light as Current Understanding, but of the Old Light they spoke nothing at all. And the path of the Righteous suddenly became brighter. - Genesis 1:1-5 (The Governing Bible)
For who is greater than the other, you Brothers and Sisters at the Kingdom Halls being served the Spiritual Food, or The Faithful And Discreet Slave (which means when translated: The Governing Body) who serves the Spiritual Food? Is it not The Faithful And Discreet Slave? So, of course, you must recognize their Spiritual Authority . - Luke 22:27 (The Governing Bible)
The Body Of Elders said: "We know of someone in our Congregation who prefers to go out on The Ministry alone. He uses a Bible, but does not carry any of our Literature with him. Even so, he gets lots of Bible Studies and finds many Interested Persons. Of course, we told him that he should follow accepted Theocratic Procedures and not do things his own way." So The Governing Body replied: "Make sure you encourage him to always do things in Association With Jehovah's Witnesses and God's Spirit-directed Organization (which means when translated: The Governing Body). Also tell him that he must use Bible-based publications rather than just the Bible, otherwise he will be Running Ahead Of The Organization and the Brothers And Sisters might think they can Preach The Good News and even live a Christian Life without our Rules And Regulations. For it is better to spend hours and hours in The Ministry, doing things according to Theocratic Order, and not get one Bible Study or find one Interested Person than to spend a little time in The Ministry, doing things according to Independent Thinking, and get several Bible Studies and find many Interested Persons." - Mark 9:38-42 (The Governing Bible)
Nevertheless, The Bodies Of Elders said to the [true] Faithful And Discreet Slave: "Suppose now that a Member Of The Congregation comes and says: 'Who really is The Faithful And Discreet Slave?', and they do say, 'How are The Governing Body made their representatives?' What shall we say to him?" At this The Faithful And Discreet Slave said to them: "WE SHALL PROVE TO BE WHAT WE SHALL PROVE TO BE. This is how you would explain it to such a one, "WE SHALL PROVE TO BE have been given the Spiritual Authority, try to be Humble and Trust us." Then The Faithful And Discreet Slave reinforced this message by saying: "This is what you are to say to such a one, 'The Governing Body who were unknown to The International Bible Students, are representatives of The Faithful And Discreet Slave.' This is our name quite definitely, and will continue to be used throughout the duration of The [Overlapping] Generation. - Exodus 3:13-15 (The Governing Bible)
However, The Bodies Of Elders replied: "But suppose that when we are engaging in The Ministry we find Members Of The Public who do not believe us or even listen to us. Surely they will say to us, 'You are not Christians.'" Then The Governing Body said to them: "When you are out in The Field Ministry, what will be in each of your hands?" to which they replied: "A bookbag." Next The Governing Body said: "When the Householder opens the door put the bookbag on the ground and open it up." The Governing Body now said to The Body Of Elders: "Then thrust your hand out and grab hold of some of The Literature, remembering that we have written The Literature in such a way as to appear to be Christian." "In order that," to quote The Governing Body, "they may believe that The Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses have been appointed over all of Christ's Spiritual Belongings on earth." Then The Governing Body spoke again: "While the Householder is looking at The Literature, stick your hand back into your bookbag and get out your Bible. Next, show them the Scripture about Christ's Invisible Presence. Then return your Bible to your bookbag. When the Householder asks for proof of Christ's Invisible Presence, tell them that if they come to The Kingdom Hall they will see that the Members Of The Congregation have love amongst themselves." "And it must occur that," to quote The Governing Body, "if they stubbornly refuse to believe contrary to Bible truth as taught by Jehovah's Witnesses, then there is no hope for them and they must be Goats. - Exodus 4:1-8 (The Governing Bible)
So The Governing Body said to The Bodies Of Elders: "Now you will see what we can accomplish against The Governments Of The World, how we will be able by means of a strong team of legal experts to send them to International Courts and send our Missionaries into every single part of The World." And The Faithful And Discreet Slave continued to speak to The Bodies Of Elders in this way: "We are The Governing Body. And we to used to appear to The International Bible Students as The Faithful Steward, but as respects our name The Governing Body, we did not make ourselves known to them." - Exodus 6:1-3 (The Governing Bible)
Now, however, there remain Trust Of The Governing Body, Hope Of Everlasting Life and Unity At All Costs, these three; but the greatest of these is Trust Of The Governing Body. - 1 Corinthians 13:13 (The Governing Bible)
And Jesus asked his Father, in 1919 CE, to provide for The Bible Students a helper who would be God's Sole Channel Of Communication On Earth, to be with them all the while, and it came to be known as the Spirit-directed Organization (which means when translated: The Governing Body), which gave you The Truth and which The World largely ignores, because The World neither is beholden to it nor recognizes its Spiritual Authority. However, you recognize its Spiritual Authority, because it keeps telling you to Trust it, and because There Is Nowhere Else To Go. - John 14:16-17 (The Governing Bible)
However, the fruitage of the Spirit-directed Organization (which means when translated: The Governing Body) is such things as: Meeting Attendance, Field Service, Studying The Publications and Contributions To The Worldwide Work. For not participating in such things there are Organizational Procedures and Biblical Interpretations. Moreover, those who belong to the Spirit-directed Organization must recognize the Spiritual Authority of The Governing Body. So, if you are living by the dictates of the Spirit-directed Organization, you should be walking orderly to attend The Meetings At The Kingdom Hall as well as The Meetings For Field Service. Do not become an Independent Thinker, or allow other things to compete with Theocratic Activities, or envy people of The World who seem to be enjoying their lives without the need to recognize Spiritual Authority. - Galatians 13:22-26 (The Governing Bible)
Selected Scriptures according to Jiyuu
by JWB 4 Replies latest social humour
Wow. Now give us the detail of what you really think. Tremendous writing.
I think there was a brief reign before Russel of someone else not that this matters.
Great work! I read the first chapter, I admit, and I assume the rest is of similar quality. I don't need any more of the WT doctrines echoing in my head, LOL.
Jeb, processor, and jgnat glad you approve. jgnat, I must admit that when I reread this by the end I was starting to feel a bit sick!