I was looking for July 15th Watchtower article today to use the words type and antitype but they didn't. I wonder when they stopped using those phrases as it seems to be a few years. Who was the person who liked to use that word like the person who loved to use antediluvian? Any ideas?
Type and Antitype
by wisdomfrombelow 8 Replies latest watchtower bible
It's true, the writing department doesn't make the attempt to sound erudite like they used to. Of course nobody ever understand what "type" and "antitype" meant until they had them explained, kind of like "antediluvian", "propitiatory" and a few other "WT words". Today's magazines are Simplified versions of yesteryear's, and the new Simplified edition is... well... durrrrrrrr...
Types and Anti-types. Typical and Anti-Typical. Wow! That's a blast from a very twisted past.
My guess is Fred Franz. But it's just a guess.
well, they were using those words when I was active, so more than 30 years ago.
I think Rutherford used the words initially, he had a whole book of types and antitypes, even Rachel's Camels (probably an anachronism in themselves on the part of Genesis), had an anti-type !
And I would say Mad Freddy continued to use such words.
They give an air of scholarship to what is basically unlearned drivil. By two non-scholars.
Rob Crompton
Fred Franz made a big thing of types and antitypes in You May Survive Armageddon (1955) As I recall, it was an ingenious and completely barmy way of finding prophetic references to inconsequential episodes in the Society's early history.
Rob Crompton
Nathan Natas
I think the type/antitype hoopla came with the Dispensationalist Dectective Kit that 8-year-old Fred Franz ordered with coupons from his Quacker Oats cereal box way, way, back in de day, and he learned how to construct fold-out charts with grand arcs connecting the distant past with the unforeseeable future, like ink playing leapfrog.
"...Kid's either completely nuts or he's gonna be a star..." his father was heard to say.
They are for all intents and purposes "old light" now -
I think they did this to cover their ass and rattle out the people with rational thought. They are trying to refine it down to the most brain dead of cult members who are prepared to accept anything to follow these men.