Praying and Studying Scripture

by mrhhome 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • mrhhome

    I ask this question as a non-JW Christian who has JW in-laws.

    The JW are convinced that all non-JW Christians are under the influence of Satan, because the JW are the only people following scripture. Of course as you dig into the scriptural basis for what they do, you realize that it is extremely weak. In many cases, outright contrary to the intent of scripture.

    This is where I struggle as a Christian in dealing with JW. I firmly believe that the Holy Spirit will guide someone who studies, prays, and meditates on Scripture. Do the JW do this? If you encouraged a JW to actually read and pray on a two chapter section of scripture (as opposed to pulling verses out of context), would they do it?

    How can they argue with scripture?

  • Splash

    WT publications hold more importance than the Bible in the minds of JW's.

    They will never admit this, even to themselves, but if a scripture says "do this" and a WT says "don't do this", the JW's will not do it.
    For an example see partaking of the bread and wine.

    To answer your question, a JW is taught that they cannot understand the Bible without the help of the WT publications.

    Even if a difference becomes clear to a JW they will still side with the WT instruction instead of the Bible, and this is because of the fear they have of doing something 'outside' the scope of the WT instructions. There is a world of hurt ready for any JW who questions a WT teaching.


    PS. Are we avatar brothers?

  • Crazyguy

    Could thread, I too now study and pray and ask for knowledge and firmly believe that holyspirit led me to where i am today. But Splash is right, both my wife and oldest child are pretty brainwashed in and always study for meeting and the WT but never do they read the bible out side of the litature.

  • Phizzy

    Welcome to this estimable site !

    You could ask the JW about how the Governing Body come to their conclusions about the meaning of Scripture. The JW will have to admit that these men can only do it by prayerful consideration of said scriptures. The GB have admitted themselves that they do not have a Hotline to Heaven.

    Then say to the JW, "would it not be good to follow the Governing Body's example in this ?"

    Then sit back and let them struggle with the idea.

  • carla

    The wt has fired the Holy Spirit so ............There is jah, the Son and the governing body. oops, wrong order- jah, governing body and then the Son.

  • Phizzy

    Yea, the Son must be on Vacation , he arrived in 1914, sat on his throne, then in 1919 he chose Rutherford and gang to be his FDS and give "food at the proper time", which can be easily seen if you read all the stuff between 1919 and 1942 say, when Rutherford died, so good is this "food" that none of it is taught today, after 1919 Jesus went AWOL.

    He is coming back at some indeterminate time in the future as Judge.

    He is going to have to judge all those who lived and died between 1919 and then on how they reacted to all that wonderful spiritual food , which has all been rejected now, but how they reacted determines if they get a resurrection or not.

    Simples !

  • mrhhome

    So if I ask a JW whether they studied, meditated, and prayed on a particular scripture, what will they likely do?

  • NeverKnew

    Hi and welcome MrHHome!

    As a Christian non-jw who has been with and around JWs for 2 years now I can tell you how it has worked with me. This is going to sound insulting to some, so let me reiterate... this is MY experience.

    JW: 1 Cor. 7:39 says we (JWs) MUST only marry in the Lord.

    Me: Hm... contextually, I'm thinking Paul was considering the three groups in existence at that time - Jews, Non-Jews, and a new group of a mix of the two that believed in Christ. I see nothing here about marrying only JWs. Let's read the chapter together...

    (we read)

    Me: Hm... looking at verse 25, it appears that Paul is acknowledging that this is his opinion...

    JW: It doesn't matter, verse 39 is scriptural and all scriptures are inspired by God and useful...

    Me: uh.. are you saying that verse 25 isn't scripture?

    (this question is followed by a meltdown in the conversation)

    MY experience (with about 7 different JWs) is that they have phenomenal comprehension skills when it comes to reading WT literature, however, know that they are not going to interpret scriptures in the way that we've always known and more often than not, they'll read them but the mental block is too strong. Many times I was dead sure they'd HAVE to acknowledge that what they were saying and what the Bible said were not the same only to look at them and realize a creepy "doe in the headlight with gentle smile" stare after the reading. As you begin to discuss the passage, you realize that they read but didn't contextually consider the verses.

    Just this past weekend, I had a woman emphatically state that ALL of the 144,000 were JWs. I responded, "Hm... I REALLY could have sworn the 144,000 were Jewish males who were virgins. I then turned to Rev 7 & 14 (to check myself with her looking on) and read the passages with the two ladies... the response? A short silence followed by, "Nope... see... what you don't realize is that some of the 144,000 are married."

    Reading Revelation 19:1 resulted in two different responses (two different JWs)

    REJOICING IN HEAVEN (caption preceeding verse in ESV)

    "After this I heard what seemed to be the loud voice of a great multitude in heaven, crying out,..."

    For us non-jws, "okay... great crowd in heaven cried out... got it."

    JW Response #1: "That verse says he heard 'what seemed' to be a loud voice of a great multitude in heaven! That doesn't mean it was in heaven! Furthermore, it is dishonest of the ESV to put that caption on there when that's NOT what the Biiiible says! (they drag out the "I" in Bible when they are making the point that only THEY are following the Bible)

    JW Response #2 who is sitting with another woman: "See, what you gotta understand is that there are lots of angels in heaven and THAT'S the crowd this verse is talking about but THAT'S not the crowd we're going to be in. ...unless you're thinking you're going to be an angel or something! (said with a sarcastic chuckle) See you're confused... you're so confused."

    Be ready to practice a LOT of patience.

  • Gypsy Sam
    Gypsy Sam

    To answer your question, they wold likely answer yes, FEELING that they had studied, prayed and meditated on the scripture.

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