If it hasn't been posted, it needs to be. If it was posted, it should be posted again.
WOW! What a great video about a Pedophile Case
by OnTheWayOut 9 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Logical, coherent, direct, compelling.
He was very, very clear about the poorly executed policies. The appeal to the elders who, the newspapers reported, refused to cooperate with the police during a pedophile investigation.
Misapplication of scriptures. Injustice done on a child.
Think very carefully before becoming an elder.
Who is the man speaking in this video?
Aude, if you get a chance watch their other youtubes regarding their shunning and disfellowshipping. They are mesmerizing to me, the lovely accent, sad and infuriating story, and as much of a happy ending as can be expected.
The mum's funeral...just shameful.
Marked for later
Very compelling couple ..... they make a great team!
This has really caught my attention ..... not something I thought
too much about before ...AAWA hmmmmm.
OTWO ...thanx for posting this!
Bumping for today's views.
I guess, when one is blinded by telling again and again that this is GOD's SPIRIT ANNOINTED organizations, they are ready to act in any way the Org. tells them to. Its EXACTLY like Suicide Bombers being brainwashed that they will be rewarded by Almighty by killing others in the name of God. So i dont think so that the Elders will be seen as any less but will be respected for being taking the orders from GB so seriously and standing by it! Gosh I HATE THIS RELIGION!
I posted it on facebook. A JW posted on it...shocked that I would post such a link. then she defriended me.... Come and join the fun..... Debbie Moody Shard on facebook