Anointed Ointment

by Valis 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Valis

    There seems to be an irritating rash of anointment going around and i thought perhaps we could come up with a suitable salve...

    Question 1: On what basis do any of the so called anointed claim such a thing? And why?

    Question 2: Why on earth would it matter to us?

    Question 3: How much egoism does it take to be "anointed"?

    Question 4: Do you know how crazy it makes you sound when you claim such things?

    Now combine your answers and rub evenly over the infected logic. Apply liberally several times a day until you come to your senses.


    District Overbeer

  • Carmel


    I've always maintained that the delusions of grandeur that the "annointed" were entertaining were so emotionally locked that it is impossible for them to be de-programmed. Our minds are famous for being able to conjure up all kinds of wierdness and with the selected scriptures of the bible to quote from and the antics of Paul who fell off his ass onto his arse, claiming to have a direct link with God, what more precidence do you have to authenticate your latest self-serving nightmare aka "vision".

    BTW, any thoughts on what Paul might have been smoking??

  • Amazing

    Hi Valis: Interesting questions you ask. Here are my answers:

    "Question 1: On what basis do any of the so called anointed claim such a thing? And why?"

    Because as JWs those claiming to be 'Anointed' believed such, as with any 'belief' system. Also, they were able to make this harmonize with what the Society taught.

    "Question 2: Why on earth would it matter to us?"

    Because the 'Anointed' play a role in the Watchtower religion, espeically the FDS and Governing Body which are central to their theology. Also, it has been a matter of curiosity of non-Anointed to wnat to know how JW Anointed knew they were such. For ex-JWs it is also a matter of exploring all aspects of the religion in retrospect. A confirming that even this central feature of the religion is flawed.

    "Question 3: How much egoism does it take to be "anointed"?"

    The Watchtower Society is the source of blaming the 'Anointed' claim on mental instability, egotism, emotional problems in an effort to force the reduction in the number partaking at the Memorial. For the INDIVIDUAL it is not necessarily a matter of egotism, but more often a matter of personal belief and determination. See the 1952 Watchtower I have posted.

    "Question 4: Do you know how crazy it makes you sound when you claim such things?"

    No, because I do not claim such at this time, except that Christians (meaning Christened or Anointed) are ALL anointed as one of many features of their faith. As JWs, it is not crazy, nor should is be viewed that way. The ONLY people I have ever heard of this crazy claim is among ex-JWs who many seem to still buy the Watchtower's claim that JW Anoitned, since 1935 might be crazy.

    Those JWs claiming to be Anointed who say they have special insight, visions, and need to collect together other JW Anointed for some purpose to cause the Watchtower Organization to take their advice and direction do sound goofy. Not just because I think they are deluded, but because they seem to NOT understand thier own religion and how they will soon be viewed as apostate and earmarked for disfellowshipping ... they do NOT understand that dog that will bite them.

  • Amazing


    "I've always maintained that the delusions of grandeur that the "annointed" were entertaining were so emotionally locked that it is impossible for them to be de-programmed. Our minds are famous for being able to conjure up all kinds of wierdness and with the selected scriptures of the bible to quote from and the antics of Paul who fell off his ass onto his arse, claiming to have a direct link with God, what more precidence do you have to authenticate your latest self-serving nightmare aka "vision."

    I think the last part of my response above to Valis addresses this. However, most JWs, and apparently some ex-JWs, still place way too much weight into the 'Anointed' feature, which among normal everyday Christians is merely one of many aspects of their faith, and is NOT some special spirit-directed or inspired link to God.

  • Valis

    I knew you would post and was waiting for your response. I agree the Anointed structure is important to understanding the JW premise. I'm curious about the effect the concept has on rational thinking I suppose. As well, the effect the concept has on those who lie about it for whatever reason.


    District Overbeer

  • Justin

    One point that must not be overlooked is that the non-anointed must always use a scissors in cutting out portions of the foundational document of Christianity - the New Testament or Christian Greek Scriptures - and say, "That does not apply to me." This can actually create emotional problems for a sensitive person who takes the Scriptures seriously and doesn't want to just parrot back what the Society says. So these people are not crazy for entertaining a heavenly hope. But for their own well-being, they should take the FDS concept (which in reality is only exercised by the Governing Body) with a grain of salt. They are not some "channel" that everyone else needs to listen to, and they should not assume this additional burden for themselves.

  • Amazing

    Hi Valis:

    "I knew you would post and was waiting for your response. I agree the Anointed structure is important to understanding the JW premise. I'm curious about the effect the concept has on rational thinking I suppose. As well, the effect the concept has on those who lie about it for whatever reason."

    Yes, of course I would post because I lived this for 25 years. I don't think that it has any effect on rational thinking. I think that is something unique to the mental condition of each individual. Suppose the same person who became a JW, had instead joined someother religion with its unique features ... they wuld fit into that system and adopt its premise for beliefs.

    Good, decent, honest, mature, and rational JW do claim to be 'Anointed.' Some JWs who claim to be 'Anointed' are irrational and self-deluded, not because of the belief, but becausew they inherantly have some screws loose. They can as easily latch onto something else were they to change religions.

    Lets say they become Mormon instead ... and think they will become God's and have their own unique galaxy to run someday. This is a feature of Mormonism. It is not their mental state that causes the belief, but how they take that belief to new extremes that suggests mental stability. that is all I am trying to say.

  • AGuest

    Dear Valis... may you have peace!

    Although it appears that this question is directed toward those of the WTBTS who claim to be 'anointed', I am compelled to answer as one who truly is, if you will permit me. Thank you.

    You stated/asked:

    There seems to be an irritating rash of anointment going around and i thought perhaps we could come up with a suitable salve...
    Actually, there already exists such 'salve', and if those of the WT were TRULY anointed, they could tell you of it:

    John 9:1, 6, 7
    Revelation 3:17, 18

    Unfortunately, their reluctance... or, rather, inability... to EXPLAIN their anointing when ones ask is a 'sign' that they have NOT... in TRUTH... recieved the promised holy spirit. For when one does, it becomes IN THEM... a fountain... BUBBLING UP... to impart everlasting life. It IS explanable, and in fact, is NOT to be hidden. So, all of that vagueness and ambiguity is simply the TRUTH: they don't know how to explain it because they have not yet become partakers OF it. But, the DOOR... has not yet been shut... to ANY of mankind save the Pharisees... some of those of the days of my Lord's flesh... and some of those of this day.

    Matthew 5:14-16
    Matthew 10:27, 40
    Matthew 23:1-39

    Now, on to your questions:

    Question 1: On what basis do any of the so called anointed claim such a thing? And why?
    It is on the basis of the receipt of the promised holy spirit, for the purpose that such spirit bears witness with my spirit and COMPELS me to rejoice in my gift and declare the excellencies... and righteousness... of my Father, the Holy One of Israel, JAH OF ARMIES, and His Son and Christ, my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH... to any and all who are wishing, who are thirsting, and who have 'ears'... to hear.

    Question 2: Why on earth would it matter to us?
    Well, that would depend, wouldn't it, on who you mean by 'us'. For some, it would not and does not matter. For those seeking GOD'S righteousness, however... those seeking His face... those seeking entry into His kingdom... and those seeking to gain everlasting life by means of eating of the Tree of Life which resides therein... it WOULD matter, for it is by reason of such an anointing... the receiving from Christ (the One who 'pours [it] out') of holy spirit... that many will gain such things.

    Question 3: How much egoism does it take to be "anointed"?
    In TRUTH, it takes exactly none. In fact, it takes just the opposite, for he that exalts HIMSELF... will be humbled; yet, he that humbles himself WILL be exalted. As one who has received the promised holy spirit, such an anointing does NOT, in any way, make me 'superior' to ANY in this world. On the contrary, it makes ALL others superior to ME... and thereby renders ME... a servant... to ALL. Just as my Lord emptied HIMSELF out and tooks a slaves form... so, I, too, must do. For a slave... is not greater than his master, but is beneath such one.

    The "pattern" of footsteps that my Lord left for ME to follow, then (which I cannot follow PERFECTLY, but only do the best I can to follow CLOSELY...), is to make myself the servant. He... although being Lord and teacher... washed his disciples feet... rather than have them wash his... and told them (and thus, me), that that is what we are to do to one another... minister TO one another, rather than expect to be ministered to BY others.

    Although a vast place with NO boundaries, there is no place for egoism in the kingdom of God, I promise you. There is only room for service, and all who reside there... in righteousness... reside as servants of all others who reside there, and everywhere else.

    Question 4: Do you know how crazy it makes you sound when you claim such things?
    Crazy to whom? You? Those 'like' you? Those who lack faith? Those who do not believe? Well, sure. Certainly. My Lord himself was thought to be 'mad', yes? Again, a slave is not greater than his master: if they thought such things of him, and he was THE True Anointed One, how much MORE so will they think that of his TRUE brothers?

    Now combine your answers and rub evenly over the infected logic.
    Done. Though I am not so sure the logic is so much 'infected', as it is 'obscured'. We were talking about 'salve', weren't we? Well, perhaps folks would do well to heed my Lord's advice... and ask for EYE salve. Indeed, they WILL receive it... if only they ask... and ask... without DOUBTING.

    Luke 11:13
    James 1:5-8

    Apply liberally several times a day until you come to your senses.
    Great advice. What is the chance that you will take it... and ask in order to RECEIVE... and get the SENSE of it, yourself?

    I bid you peace.

    Your servant and a slave of Christ, by means of a TRUE anointing with the promised holy spirit, which IS the spirit of God, and which dwells in me by means of Christ, and by means of which I "live"...


  • Francois

    A couple of points:

    Why all the fuss about being "annointed" when it's crystal clear from even a casual reading of Romans that all who are led by god's spirit are god's children? I feel that I'm just as annointed as the people who get on here or elsewhere and blow trumpets announcing they're annointed. The spirit of truth was poured out on all at Pentecost and ever since.

    The GB have placed themselves in the mother of all corners about this "channel of communication" business since direct communication with god is, by definition, a mystical experience - and the GB has condemned mystical experience as being sponsored by Satan. Thus, the GB admits being Satan's Spawn. But we all knew that.


  • AGuest

    Dearest Francios... peace to you!

    The 'fuss', dear one, originated WITH the WTBTS when they presumed to make the 'anointed' a separate and distinct class whose members were/are something 'special'. True, they are special in the sense of being children of God... but they are also the LEAST of all mankind, if the truth be told, at least at THIS time.

    ANYONE can BE anointed... that is, ask for and receive holy spirit... just as my Lord says of his flesh and blood, "that ANYONE may eat of it...and live forever." However, due to the WTBTS' false, deceptive and erroneous formation of two (2) classes, and the indication that one is 'better' than the other... the Christ now exists... divided. Part of MY 'commission' then, is to preach him a ransom for ALL... and bear to the TRUTH... that he IS that truth and that ALL who are wishing and thirsting and hearing (no matter WHAT some of earthling man who have sat THEMSELVES in the seat of Moses might say), can
    "Come! and take 'life's water' free!"

    ALL, Francois. ANY of mankind who are wishing, thirsting and hearing. No matter their nation, their background, their culture, their race, their age, their gender. For contrary to the very basic teachings of the WTBTS... God... is NOT partial.

    Your servant and a slave of Christ,



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