Truly, Raymond Franz was a brave man! Please see quote...

by ILoveTTATT 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • ILoveTTATT

    Ironic quote in the Golden Age

    I think that Raymond Franz, he was part of the "medicine man" and he got to know it was false. He was brave to denounce the falsehood. I just hope that one day the GB has the courage to come out clean..

    This is an ironic quote, considering it is part of an article designed to go against vaccinations, implying that the "medicine man" knew that vaccinations were a hoax, and it would take a courageous person to denounce vaccinations.

    In reality, vaccinations work!! And the WTBTS is a hoax! And it takes a brave GB member to denounce it!! But they probably won't.


  • westiebilly11

    Raymond Franz was a man of integrity who saw through the sham of gap filling doctrines...he was treated shamefully by his peers who should have been ashamed of themselves. his C of C book is simply brilliant...refreshingly candid. shame current elders/lurkers/overseers don't read it and have their sense of perspective retuned...

  • WishingLiz

    So true Westiebilly

  • Phizzy

    Ray was a man of huge integrity, always true to his conscience once he had woken up, and he was a very loving man, with time for everyone, and respect too.

    He even showed respect toward those who kicked him out of the WT, and empathy too.

    It does take great courage to stand alone against the majority. To reveal what no one wants to hear.

    We too have done so, stood alone against the majority of our friends, family and associates.

    Stood alone for Truth.

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